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Exporting e-VAT Form 231 (Maharashtra)

Form 231 is the monthly return filed by registered dealers. Tally.ERP 9 exports the return details to the excel template provided by the department. The excel template validates the information exported to the Sales Annexure and Purchase Annexure sheets and automatically creates Form 231 and Form IIIE.

Before exporting data to the template,

1.    Login to the department website.

2.    Click Download > Return > VAT/CST > Return Template. The Return_Template.zip file gets downloaded.

3.    Extract the template Return Template (Ver 3.0.000).xlsb from the zip file.

4.    Copy the extracted Microsoft Excel template to the folder in which Tally.ERP 9 is installed.

5.    Enter the path of the folder in which Tally.ERP 9 is installed in the Export Location field of Export Report screen, to export the data to the template.

To export data to Form 231

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally >Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form 231.

2.    Press Ctrl+E to export the e-return details to excel template provided by the department.

3.    Enter required details in Export Report screen. The Export Report screen appears as shown below:

4.    Press Enter to export. Return details are exported to excel template.

5.    Open and click the Validate sheet.

6.    Click Validate and preview return button. Form 231 sheet is created and return details can be viewed.

7.    Click Create file for uploading button in the Validate sheet to create the text file with return details.

8.    Login to department website and upload the text file.