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Payment Performance of Sundry Debtors

Payment Performance of Debtors (Receivable Turnover in days) is the average time the customers take to actually pay their bills irrespective of the outstanding balance on the statement date. It is quite possible that the receivable turnover is low and the payment performance is high, indicating that the customers cleared their outstanding, but took a long time doing it.

To get group level and customer level performance reports and a detailed position of debt collection, you have to drill down from the ratios. Use a customer statement that shows both the receivable turnover in days and the customer's actual payment performance.

To view Ledger Payment Performance report

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Ratio Analysis.

2.    Drill down from Recv. Turnover in days.

3.    Select a party ledger and press Enter to drill down.

The Ledger Payment Performance screen is displayed as shown:

The Ledger Payment Performance statement displays the receivable turnover in days. This is the balance outstanding in relation to the total sales made multiplied by the total number of days in the period. This ratio should be used in combination with the Average Performance of actual payments and the payment history of the customer to assess how long he might take to pay the outstanding balance.

The Actual payment history is given in the table for each invoice that was paid by the customer. It shows when the invoice was paid, how long it was due and what was the delay in payment. The customer's average performance is shown at the bottom of the screen.