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Annexure GG - Form 13 (Assam)

The Annexure GG provides information of purchases in the course of interstate trade and commerce.

To generate Annexure GG

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > FORM-13.

2.    Press Ctrl+E to display the Export Report screen. Ensure the Excel template Form13Monthly.xls is available in the Export Location.

3.    Enter the Name and Status/Designation of the authorised person, and the Place of business. If these details are provided in the Company VAT Details screen, the same appears automatically.

4.    Enter the Date of filing return.

A brief explanation about the form fields is given below:

Column Name


Sl. No.

Displays auto-generated serial number for each transaction.

Name of the selling dealer

Displays the name of the dealer entered in the party ledger creation screen or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

Address of the selling dealer

Displays the address of the dealer entered in the party ledger or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

CST Reg number of selling dealer

Displays the CST number entered in the party ledger creation screen or in the Party Details screen of the invoice. If a CST number entered in the Party Details screen is different from the number entered in the party ledger creation screen, the report will display the number from the Party Details screen.

State code of Selling Dealer (please refer sheet named as "sheet code" for code list)

Displays the state code as selected in the party ledger creation screen.

Bill/Invoice number

Displays the invoice number entered in the purchase invoice.

Invoice date(dd/mm/yyyy)

Displays the supplier invoice date.

Commodity (ies)

Displays the Commodity Name predefined for the stock item selected in the invoice. If a single invoice has multiple commodities,  the name of all the commodities will be displayed here.

Purpose (Please refer sheet named "Code Information" for code list)

Displays the purpose code based on the Purpose selected in the Statutory Details screen of the purchase invoice.


Displays the quantity of the items sold, as specified in the purchase invoice. For stock items having different units of measurement in a single invoice, quantity will not be displayed.

Unit (Please refer sheet named "Code Information" for code list)

Displays the unit code specified in the stock item masters. If the unit code specified in the purchase invoice and stock item master are different, this field will be blank.

Total Value

Displays the total value of interstate purchase including CST amount.

The following Nature of Transaction are considered:

     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

     Interstate Purchase Exempt

     Interstate Purchase Deemed Export

     Interstate Purchase - E1

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

     Interstate Purchase - E2

     Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated

     Purchase High Seas

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

Last updated for Release 5.5.3