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Statistics of Vouchers (Excise for Importer)

You can drill down from the statistics of vouchers to view the summary of included transactions, excluded transactions, and uncertain transactions.

Included Transactions

Transactions included in this section are error-free and the values of the transactions included here will be considered for filing returns.

To view the included transactions

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Excise Reports > Importer > Form-2

2.    Press Enter from Included Transactions.

3.    Press Enter to view the transactions.

The Summary of Included Vouchers report appears as shown below:

You can drill down further to each voucher to verify the transaction.

Excluded Transactions

This report displays the logical grouping of vouchers which are recorded during the quarter but are not considered in Form 2. The total voucher count displayed here will be same as the count shown in the Included Transactions row of Form 2 report.

The Summary of Excluded Vouchers appears as shown below:

The transactions are grouped under the following categories:

     Not Consumed in this Period

     Different Excise Unit

     Contra vouchers

     Order Vouchers

     Inventory Vouchers

     Payroll Vouchers

     Cancelled vouchers

     Excluded by User

     No Excise Implications

     Other Vouchers

On pressing Enter from any of the aforementioned categories of vouchers, the Excluded Vouchers report will be displayed followed by the voucher alteration screen.

Uncertain Transactions

If transactions recorded in the period selected to generate Form 2 have information gaps, the count of such transactions appears under the relevant sections of this report. This report has two broad categories, Master Related Exceptions and Transactions Related Exceptions. If a transaction has:

     One exception, the transaction will move to Included Transactions immediately after it is solved.

     Multiple exceptions, the user will be guided through a procedural manner. Exceptions will appear one after the other to guide the user in solving all of them completely.

After recording purchase and sales transactions if excise is enabled, such transactions get listed under each exception. Once the excise related details are provided the exceptions will be solved.

To view uncertain transactions

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally> Display> Statutory Reports > Excise Reports> Importer> Form-2.

2.    Press Enter from Uncertain Transactions to view the Summary of Uncertain Vouchers screen.

The Summary of Uncertain Vouchers screen appears as shown below:

The Summary of Uncertain Vouchers is divided into two sections:

Master Related Exceptions

     Unable to determine Tariff details for Stock Item

Transaction Related Exceptions

All uncertainties associated with transactions are listed here.

     Unable to determine Excise Applicability

     Unable to determine the Nature of Purchase

     Unable to determine the Supplier Details

     Mismatch in tax amount

     Supplier Invoices are Not Linked to Clearance