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Getting started with Service Tax

Service Tax is a tax levied by the central government of India on service providers on certain Service transactions.

To get started with service tax using Tally.ERP 9, you have to enable the service tax options and enter your company's service tax registration details.

To enable service tax

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > Statutory & Taxation.

2.    Set the option Enable service tax? to Yes.

3.    Enable the option Set/alter service tax details?. The Service Tax Details screen appears.

4.    Enter Service tax registration number.

5.    Select the Type of organisation from the List of Organisations. Only three organisation types are listed by default. To view the entire list of organisation types,

o     Click F12: Configure.

o     Set the option Show all organisation types to Yes.

o     Press Ctrl+A to accept.

6.    Set the option Is Monthly format? to Yes/No based on the periodicity of filing return when the Type of organisation is selected as Individual/Proprietary/One Person Company.

Note: The organisation types, Partnership and Limited Liability Partnership are merged and named as Partnership/Limited Liability Partnership.

7.    Select the required tax liability computation method in the field Compute tax liability based on.

8.    Enable Set/alter service tax details? to set service tax details. The Service Category Alteration (Secondary) screen opens.

Note: You can view all the changes made to service tax details such as applicable from, category name, service tax, and others.

9.    Set Define service category and tax details as masters? to Yes, if required.

10.  Set Is reverse charge applicable? to Yes/No, as applicable. The Service Tax Details screen appears as shown below:

11.  Enter PAN/Income tax no. in the Company Operations Alteration screen.

12.  Enter Corporate Identity No. (CIN).

13.  Press Enter to save.