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Form 500 (Jharkhand)

Form 500 is a monthly register that comprises all intra/inter-state purchases, along with the returns and additions. It shows all exempt/taxable goods purchased, in detail.

Form 500 displays transactions where

     The nature of transaction can be any of the below:

o     Interstate Purchase Deemed Export

o     Interstate Purchase - for E1

o     Interstate Purchase - for E2

o     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

o     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

o     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

o     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

o     Interstate Purchase Exempt

o     Imports

o     Purchase Exempt

o     Purchase Taxable

o     Purchase From Unregistered Dealer

o     Branch Transfer Inward

o     Non-creditable purchase

o     Non-creditable purchase special Goods

o     Consignment Transfer Inward

     Schedules included:

o     SCHEDULE II - Part A

o     SCHEDULE II - Part B

o     SCHEDULE II - Part C

o     SCHEDULE II - Part D


o     SCHEDULE II - Part E

To print Form 500

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display >Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT 200 > Annexures.

2.    Select Purchase 500, and press Enter.

3.    Press Ctrl+P.

4.    Press Enter to print.

Column name


Name and Address of Dealer

Displays the dealer company name and address as recorded in the Company Creation screen.


Displays the VAT TIN of the assessee, as recorded in the TIN field in the Company VAT Details screen in F11: Features > Statutory & Taxation.

(1)Sl. No.

Displays the serial number of each purchase transaction invoice-wise in the form.

(2) Supplier Invoice Date

Displays the supplier invoice date mentioned in the purchase or debit note transactions.

(2)Name & TIN of the Dealer from/by whom purchased / transferred or dispatch otherwise than by way of sale

Displays the name and VAT TIN of the party from whom the goods are purchased or received as consignment or as branch transfer. The details are captured from the ledger master or the Party Details screen.

(3)Value of Inter-State  purchases including Purchases u/s 3 (b) read with 6(2) of the CST Act, excluding CST paid

Displays the assessable value from all inter-state purchase transactions invoice-wise. It is the value from transactions with Interstate Purchase Deemed Export, Interstate Purchase - E1, Interstate Purchase - E2, Interstate Purchase - Against Form C, Interstate Purchase - Taxable, Interstate Purchase Exempt E1, Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated (Party Entity/Org. Type selected as SEZ), Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C, and Interstate Purchase Exempt selected selected as the Nature of transaction.

(4) Value of Arrivals by way of Stock Transfer or for sale on consignment basis

Displays the invoice-wise values from interstate consignments and branch transfers. It is the value from transactions with Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward and Interstate Branch Transfer Inward selected as the Nature of transaction.

(5)Value of Import of Goods from outside the country and the details thereof

Displays the invoice-wise value from import purchase transactions. It is the value from transactions with Imports selected as the Nature of transaction.

(6) Value of Purchase of goods on which Entry Tax is payable

Displays the invoice-wise assessable value of Schedule III purchases. It is the value from transactions with Purchase Exempt selected as the Nature of transaction and SCHEDULE III selected as the Schedule.

(7) Amount of CST paid in course of Inter-State purchases

Displays the CST amount on the taxable inter-state purchases.

Purchases / Arrivals within the State

(8)Sl. No.

Displays the serial number of transactions based on the number of entries.

(9) Supplier Invoice Date

Displays the supplier invoice date mentioned in the purchase or debit note transactions.

(10) Name & TIN of the Dealer from/by whom purchased / transferred or dispatch otherwise than by way of sale

Displays the name and VAT TIN of the party from whom the goods are purchased or received as consignment or as branch transfer. The details are captured from the ledger master or the Party Details screen.

(11)Value of arrival of goods from branches/Head Offices/Principle /Agent as the case may be

Displays the invoice-wise values from consignments and branch transfers. It is the value from transactions with Consignment Transfer Inward and Branch Transfer Inward selected as the Nature of transaction.

(12)Purchase price of exempted goods listed in Schedule - I of the Act

Displays the invoice-wise assessable value of schedule I purchases. It is the value from transactions with Purchase Exempt selected as the Nature of transaction and SCHEDULE I selected as Schedule.


(13) Purchase prices of goods listed in Schedule II Part-E of the Act excluding the input tax charged therein

Displays the invoice-wise assessable value of schedule I part-E purchases. It is the value from transactions with Purchase Taxable selected as the Nature of transaction and SCHEDULE II - Part E  selected as Schedule.

(14)Purchase prices of goods listed in Schedule II Part-A i.e taxable @ 1% excluding the Input Tax charged therein

Displays the invoice-wise assessable value of schedule II part-A purchases at 1%. It is the value from transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchases Non-Creditable, and Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods selected as the Nature of transaction and SCHEDULE II - Part A  selected as the Schedule.

(15)Purchase prices of goods listed in Schedule II Part-B i.e taxable @ 4%, @ 5% excluding the Input Tax charged therein.

Displays the invoice-wise assessable value of schedule II part-B purchases at any tax rate. It is the value from transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchases Non-Creditable, and Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods selected as the Nature of transaction and SCHEDULE II - Part B  selected as the Schedule.

(16)Purchase prices of goods listed in Schedule II Part-C i.e taxable @ 4% excluding the Input Tax charged therein

Displays the invoice-wise assessable value of schedule II part-C purchases. It is the value from transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchases Non-Creditable, and Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods selected as the Nature of transaction, SCHEDULE II - Part C  selected as the Schedule, and Industrial input selected as the Type of goods.

(17). Purchase prices of goods listed in Schedule II Part-D i.e taxable @ 12.5%, @ 10%, @ 14%, 2% excluding the Input tax charged therein

Displays the invoice-wise assessable value of schedule II part-D purchases. It is the value from transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchases Non-Creditable, and Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods selected as the Nature of transaction and SCHEDULE II - Part D selected as the Schedule.

(18) Purchase prices of goods from unregistered dealers / persons

Displays the invoice-wise assessable value of purchases form unregistered dealer. It is the value from transactions with Purchase From Unregistered Dealer selected as the Nature of transaction or Unregistered selected as the Type of Dealer in the VAT Details screen of party ledger.

(19) Amount of Entry Tax paid and claimed as Input Tax

Displays the value of the VAT tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Reducing Tax Liability selected as the Nature of adjustment and Entry Tax selected as Additional Details.

(20) Amount of Input Tax paid @ 1%

Displays the input tax paid against Schedule II Part-A goods.

(21).Amount of Input Tax paid @ 4%, @ 5%

Displays the input tax paid against Schedule II Part-B goods.

(22)Amount of Input Tax paid @ 4% (Industrial Inputs)

Displays the input tax paid against Schedule II Part-C goods.

(23). Amount of Input Tax paid @ 12.5%, 10%, 14%, 2%

Displays the input tax paid against Schedule II Part-D goods.

(24). Total Amount of Input Tax paid (19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23)

Displays the auto calculated sum of all the input tax value collected against Schedule II Part-A,B,C,D.


Displays the deduction in value due to returns, or additions if any, for each column.

Nett Purchases

Displays the nett value after adjusting the nett purchase amount with column total.