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Form 213 (Jharkhand)

JVAT Form 213 is a monthly return form filed by regular dealers. Dealer has to file his return by entering the data directly in the Jharkhand Commercial tax department portal. Tally.ERP 9 provides all the information in print format. These details can then be entered in the online form.

To print Form VAT 213

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT 213.

2.    Press Ctrl+P.

3.    Press Enter.

Form Description - Form 213 (Jharkhand)

The fields in the form are described below:

Field Name



Displays the TIN of the assessee, as recorded in the field TIN in the Company VAT Details screen.

Firm Name

Displays the name of the dealer, as recorded in the Mailing Name field in the company master.

Period From Date

Displays the beginning date of the period for which Form 213 report is generated.

Period To Date

Displays the end date of the period for which Form 213 report is generated.

4. (i) If you have made No Sales  And purchase Select Option Yes or No.

Displays Yes if there are no sales and purchase transactions in the reporting period. And, No if there are transactions recorded in the return period.

Return Type

Displays the Type of Return selected in the Print Report screen. The option Regular is displayed when Original is selected as the Type of Return, and Revised when Revised is selected as Type of Return.


Displays the Remarks recorded in Print Report screen.

Dealer Category

Displays monthly by default.

Gross Turnover during the Month (excluding tax)*

Displays the assessable value from sales transactions recorded in the reporting period. It is the gross assessable value from transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract selected as Nature of transaction. It also displays the net assessable value from transactions with Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward, Consignment Transfer Outward, Interstate Branch Transfer Outward, Branch transfer outward, Exports, Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales Taxable, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales - E2, Interstate Sales Exempt, Interstate Labour Charges Collected, Interstate Sales - Tax Free, Sales - Exempt, Interstate Sales - Zero Rate (Diplomatic Missions, U.N, UNICEF, WHO & Foreign Aid and SEZ / STP / EHTP selected as Party Entity/Org. Type), Sales Exempt, Sales Zero Rated (Org. Type: Exempted/Concession by Notification), Interstate Deemed Export, Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, Deemed Export, Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C, and Interstate Sales - Works contract selected as the Nature of transaction.

Taxable Turnover during the Month (Deduct Charges received u/s 9(4)(c) of the Act, or other non-taxable charges and Sales Return excluding tax)

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract selected as the Nature of transaction. The value after deducting labour charges, other non-taxable charges and sales return is captured here.

Turnover under the CST Act (excluding tax)

Displays the net assessable value from all interstate sales transactions recorded in the reporting period. It is the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward,  Interstate Branch Transfer Outward,  Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales Taxable, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales - E2, Interstate Sales Exempt, Interstate Labour Charges Collected, Interstate Sales - Tax Free, Interstate Deemed Export, Interstate Sales - Zero Rate (Diplomatic Missions, U.N, UNICEF, WHO & Foreign Aid and SEZ / STP / EHTP selected as Party Entity/Org. Type), Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C, and Interstate Sales - Works contract selected as the Nature of transaction.

CST Payable

Displays the net CST amount from all interstate sales transactions recorded in the reporting period.

9. Details of "Input Tax" available during the Month

9(a) Input Tax Brought forward from the Preceding Month

Displays the opening balance of the input VAT tax ledger at the start of the reporting period. It also displays the value of the VAT tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded with Increasing Input Tax selected as the Nature of adjustment and Opening Stock selected as Additional Details.

(b) Eligible Input Tax during the period

Displays the total input tax paid during the reporting period. It is the tax amount from purchase transactions recorded with Purchase Taxable, and Purchase - Works contract selected as the Nature of transaction.

In addition, the tax value from the following journal voucher transactions is also considered.

(i) The value of the VAT tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded with Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods selected as the Nature of adjustment.

(ii) The value of the VAT tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded with Increasing Input Tax selected as the Nature of adjustment and Attributable Input Tax Towards Exempted Sales selected as Additional Details.

(iii) The value of the VAT tax ledger credited in the journal voucher recorded with Decrease of Input Tax selected as the Nature of adjustment and Attributable Input Tax Towards Exempted Sales selected as Additional Details.

(iv) The value of the VAT tax ledger debited in the journal voucher recorded with Reducing Tax Liability selected as the Nature of adjustment and Entry Tax selected as Additional Details.

(v) The value of the VAT tax ledger credited in the journal voucher recorded with Reversal of Input Tax selected as the Nature of adjustment and Entry Tax selected as Additional Details.

Total Input Tax during the period [(a) + (b)]

Displays the auto populated value of input tax during the period using (a)+(b).

Total Output Tax Payable on Goods specified in Part A, B, C, D, E and F of schedule II and Goods specified in Section 9(2)

Displays the tax amount from all taxable sales transactions recorded in the reporting period. It is the tax amount from transactions recorded with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract selected as the Nature of transaction.

11. Net Amount Payable [10-9]

Displays the net tax payable for the period as the net of values in 10-9. If there is VAT refundable this column will be shown blank.

11(a) Add the amount of Interest payable if any u/s 30(1)

Displays the value of the current liabilities ledger credited in the journal voucher recorded with VAT selected as the Type of duty/tax, Increase of Tax Liability selected as the Nature of adjustment, and Interest selected as Additional Details.

11(b) Add the amount of penalty payable if any under the act.

Displays the value of the current liabilities ledger credited in the journal voucher recorded with VAT selected as the Type of duty/tax, Increase of Tax Liability selected as the Nature of adjustment, and Penalty selected as Additional Details.

Adjust the amount of TDS as per JVAT400

Displays the value of the TDS on works contract ledger (created under current assets) credited in the journal voucher recorded with VAT selected as the Type of duty/tax, Decrease of Output Tax selected as the Nature of transaction, and TDS Adjustments selected as Additional Details.

Balance VAT Payable

Displays auto populated VAT payable amount using 11+11A+11B-12 (negative value means excess VAT amount than payable).

Adjust the amount of CST payable against Inter State Sales to registered dealers u/s 3(a) read with 8(1) of the CST Act 1956

Displays the value of the VAT tax ledger credited in the journal voucher recorded with Decrease of Input Tax selected as the Nature of transaction and Against CST selected as Additional Details.

Excess ITC carried forward to next month

Displays the excess ITC carried forward to the next period.

Payment/Adjustment Details


(a) Name of Bank

Displays the Name of the Bank recorded for stat payment transaction in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report.

(b) Branch Name

Displays the Name of Branch recorded for stat payment transaction in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report.

(c) Tax Type

Displays VAT or CST based on the Tax Type selected in the Stat Payment Details screen while recording the payment voucher.

(d) Challan No.

Displays the Challan No. recorded for stat payment transaction in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report.

(e) Date

Displays the Deposit Date recorded for stat payment transaction in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Challan Reconciliation report.

(f) Amount

Displays the Amount from stat payment transaction for which the challan details are recorded. This includes transactions recorded using S: Stat Payment option and by selecting VAT as Tax Type.

After entering these details for each payment transaction click Add, and continue to record details of another payment transaction recorded for remitting tax in the reporting period.