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E-CST Form (Jharkhand)

The E-CST Form is a requisition form for inter-state purchase transactions that is submitted to the government on a quarterly basis to get C Form, H Form and F Form.

E-CST Form displays transactions where nature of transaction is any of the following:

o     Interstate Purchase Against Form C

o     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward - F Form

o     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward - F Form

o     Interstate Purchase Deemed export - H Form

o     Interstate purchase E1 - E1 Form

o     Interstate purchase E2 - E2 Form

o     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

o     Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

To export E-CST Form

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display >  Statutory Reports > VAT > Declaration Forms > Forms Requisition.

2.    Select e-CST Forms request, and press Enter.

3.    Click E: Export.

4.    Press Enter to export.

The fields in the for are described below:

Column name


Period From

Displays the From date of the return period.

Period To

Displays the To date of the return period.

Form Type

Displays the form type selected from the drop down list:

     CST- Form C is selected for transactions where C Form is issued.

     CST- Form F is selected for transactions where F Form is issued.

     CST- Form H is selected for transactions where H Form is issued.

Invoice No./ Challan No./ STN No./ Any other document/ In case of Goods Return mention Original Invoice No. *

Displays the voucher number of the inter-state purchase or stock transfer or purchase deemed export transactions. In case of goods returned, the original invoice number recorded in the debit note is displayed.

Invoice Date/ Challan Date/ STN Date/ to Invoice Date/ Challan Date/ STN Date to Invoice Date/ Challan Date/ STN Date/ In case of Goods Return mention Original Invoice Date *

Displays the voucher date of the inter-state purchase or stock transfer or purchase deemed export transactions. In case of goods returned, the original invoice date recorded in the debit note is displayed.

Seller TIN/ Transferor TIN*

Displays the VAT TIN of the seller, as recorded in the VAT TIN No. field in the VAT Details screen in the party ledger master or in the TIN/Sales Tax No. field in the Party Details screen of the sales transaction.

Seller/ Transferor Address*

Displays the address of the seller, as recorded in the Address field in the party ledger master or the Party Details screen.

Seller / Transferor Name*

Displays the name of the seller, as the Name in the party ledger master or as recorded in the Party Details screen of the transaction.


Displays the state of the seller, as selected in the field State in the party ledger master or in the Party Details screen of the transaction.

Description of goods

Displays the name of the commodity applicable to the item sold, as configured in the related masters. The commodity name is selected from the list provided in the template.

The option Unspecified Commodities is selected in this column when a new commodity that is not available in the default list is recorded in the transaction. Such commodity name is recorded in the subsequent box Unspecified if any.

Unspecified if any

Displays the commodity name which is not included in the drop down list.

Value of Goods

Displays the assessable value of the inter-state purchase transaction.


Displays the auto populated value of the tax amount based on the form type and assessable value.

Purchase order No.

Displays the Purchase Order No. recorded in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Purchase Order Date/ In case of Goods Return mention Original Purchase Date *

Displays the Date recorded against Purchase Order No. in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.


Displays the Purpose of purchase selected in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Quantity/Weight of Goods*

Displays the quantity of purchase or transfer or goods returned.


Displays the unit of measurement selected from the drop down list. For example: cubic metre, kilogram, litre, and so on.

If other, please specify

Displays the other unit of measurement mentioned after selecting Others from the drop down list.

Name of airport, seaport or land customs station through which the goods have been exported *

Displays the Name of Airport/seaport recorded in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

No. of railway receipt/ postal receipt/ lorry receipt or any other documents indicating the means of transport*

Displays the LR/RR no. recorded in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Name of Airlines/Ship/Railway/Means of Transport*

Displays the Ship Name recorded in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Date of delivery taken by transferee*

Displays the Date of delivery taken by transferee recorded in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Type of Export / Transport*

Displays the Mode of transport selected in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

No. of air consignment note/bill of lading/railway receipt/lorry receipt/postal receipt or any other document

Displays the air consignment bill number or the bill of lading number or the railway receipt number or the lorry receipt number or the postal receipt number or any other document number, which is recorded in the H Form.

Date of railway receipt/ postal receipt/ lorry receipt or any other documents indicating the means of transport *

Displays the railway receipt or postal receipt or lorry receipt date for the interstate stock transfer transactions.

Agreement/Order No.

Displays the Agreement order no. recorded in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Agreement/Order date

Displays the Date recorded against the Agreement order no. recorded in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Is Tax Free Goods in State

Displays  Yes or No based on whether the goods supplied from the other state are free of cost or not. It depends on the type of goods selected in the item master.

Permit No.

Displays the Permit No. recorded in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Request Form Type

     Displays Section 3(a) when there is movement of goods in the inter-state transaction.

     Displays Section 3 (b) when there is transfer of title in the inter-state transaction.