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Excise for Dealer - FAQ

This page provides all the FAQ related to dealer excise.

Enabling Excise

1.    How to enable the feature of dealer excise?

2.    How to migrate dealer excise data?

3.    What are the post migration pre-requisites for dealer excise data?


1.    How to create Excise Classification?

2.    How to create Excise Duty Classification?

3.    How to define Excise Book and Serial Number?

4.    How to create a Tax Unit?

5.    How to create a godown?

6.    How to create purchase and sales ledgers?

7.    How to create a party ledger?

8.    How to create a stock group?

9.    How to create a stock item?

10.  How do I change or revise the excise rate of duty?


1.    How to record an excise purchase invoice?

2.    How to record an excise sales invoice?

3.    How to record stock transfers?

4.    How to record an excise debit note?

5.    How to record an excise credit note?

6.    How to record an excise journal voucher?

7.    How to record an excise opening stock transaction?

8.    How to record transfer of stock items from importer unit to maintain only the dealer unit?

9.    What are the excise invoice print configuration options in Tally.ERP 9 Release 4.9x and 5.x?

10.  How do I print the country or destination name in Form ARE 1 for direct exports?


1.    How to generate RG 23D register?

2.    How do I export excise dealer Form 2?

3.    How do I recompute excise dealer returns?

4.    How do I save excise dealer returns?

5.    How do I resolve the Error Not Enough elements to match content model?

6.    Why is the Excise Duty Details screen not displayed, when an excise purchase/ sales transaction is recorded with voucher class?

7.    Why are dealer excise registers reintroduced?


1.    Why is the previous buyer’s name captured as the supplier name when excise sales return item is resold to a new buyer?

2.    Error Not enough elements to match content model