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Using Help

TallyHelp provides all the information you need to know about all the Tally products. You can also download a local copy of help to access them offline. You need to periodically update the local copies you have saved to avail the latest help pages.

You can access help:

     From the product

     Without the product

Accessing Help from the Product

When you access help from the product,

     The context-sensitive help feature directs you to the help site TallyHelp (help.tallysolutions.com), to the relevant topic, if you are connected to the network.

     The offline help opens from the help folder of your computer, if you are not connected to the Internet, and if you have downloaded a local copy of the product help.

To access help for Tally.ERP 9 and Tally.Server 9

     Open the product.

     Press Alt+H. Help topic for the current screen opens in your default browser.

To access help for Tally.Developer 9

     Open Tally.Developer 9.

     Select Help > TallyDeveloper Help.

Accessing Help without the product

When you make a local copy of the product help, you can access the help topics without opening the product.

To access help without opening the product

     Go to the folder where the help files are copied.

     Double-click the required index file to open the corresponding product help in the browser.

o     Tally.ERP 9 – tallyhelp.htm

o     Tally.Server 9 – tallyserver9_help.htm

o     Tally.Developer 9 – tallydeveloper9_help.htm