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Enabling Ghana VAT in Tally.ERP 9

Creating a Company by Selecting Statutory Compliance for Ghana

Go to Gateway of Tally > Alt + F3: Cmp Info > Create Company

In the Company Creation screen

  1. The Directory path appear by default which can be changed as per requirement

  2. Enter the Name of the company as ABC Company

  3. In the Mailing & Contact Details section specify the details as given below:

  • The Name entered under Directory gets captured as the Mailing Name.

  • Enter the Address details of the ABC Company

  1. In the Statutory compliance for field select the Country as Ghana from the List of Countries

  1. Specify the Telephone and Mobile number

  2. Enter the E-mail address that will be used to e-mail documents, reports and data from Tally.ERP 9

  3. Set Enable Auto Backup to Yes for enabling the automatic backup of Tally.ERP 9 data (per company). Else, set this to No. The data backup automated using this option gets stored in the data folder of the respective company.

  4. Enter the TallyVault Password if required to secure the data. This basically results in the creation of an encrypted company whose information is not accessible to users other than the password holder.

  5. Under Company Details,

  6. The Currency symbol will be set to GH₵ on selecting the Statutory Compliance for Ghana.

  7. The Maintain field select Accounts with Inventory from the Type of Company as it a trading company.

  8. In the Financial Year from and Books beginning from fields, the first day of the current financial year (of 12 months) for e.g., 1-4-2010 will be displayed by default, which can be changed as per requirement.

  1. Set Use Security Control to Yes for a password-protected system, else set it to No. Setting it to Yes will control access to Tally.ERP 9 data.

  2. In Base Currency Information section set Show Amount in Millions to Yes/No and accept the other details.

  1. Press Y or Enter to accept and save.

Enabling Value Added Tax

To enable VAT,

Go to F11: Features > F3: Statutory & Taxation Features

  1. Press Enter on the Statutory & Taxation option

  2. Set Enable VAT to Yes

  3. Select the Type of Business as Regular

  4. Enter the VAT Applicable from date as 1-4-2010

  5. Enter the VAT registration number in VAT TIN field

  6. Enter the name of the Authorised Signatory

  1. Press Y or Enter to accept and save the Company Operations Alteration screen.