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To generate CST form VI

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > CST Form VI.

2.     Press Ctrl+P to view the Print Report screen.

3.     Press Enter to print the form.

Note: Click No in the Print Report screen to edit the details of Name, Status/Designation of authorised person, Place of filing returns and the Date of filing the return.

The form is printed in Microsoft Word format as shown below:

                                                               Page 1

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The details of the fields in the printed Form CST VI are given below:

Field Name


Return for the period from

Displays the period for which CST Form VI report is generated.

Registration No (TIN)

Displays the TIN entered in Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

Name of the dealer

Displays the Mailing Name entered in Company Creation screen.

1. Turnover of Inter State Taxable Sales including Cost of freight, delivery or installation and Central Sales Tax collections

Displays the value of all interstate sales transactions with form C (2%).

2. Deductions

Cost of freight, delivery or installation when such cost separately charged as per section 2 (h) of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956

Displays cost of freight, delivery or installation of goods sold in transactions with Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales - Against Form C (2%).

(i) CST Collections as per section 8A of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956

Displays the central sales tax on goods sold in transactions with Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales - Against Form C (2%).

(ii) Total

Displays the total amount of CST Collections in (i) and other expenses recorded separately.

4. Tax rate wise turnovers of inter State sales and tax liability:

(i) Tax Rate @ 1% Turnover

Tax Due

Displays the net assessable value for Interstate Sales - Taxable transactions against 1% tax rate.

Displays the CST amount against 1% tax rate.

(ii) Tax Rate @ 2% Turnover

Tax Due

Displays the net assessable value for Interstate Sales - Against Form C and Interstate Sales - E1 transactions against 2% tax rate.

Displays the CST amount against 2% tax rate.

(iii) Tax Rate @ 3% Turnover

Tax Due

Displays the net assessable value for Interstate Sales - Taxable transactions against 3% tax rate.

Displays the CST amount against 3% tax rate.

(iv) Tax Rate @ 4% Turnover

Tax Due

Displays the net assessable value for Interstate Sales - Taxable transactions against 4% tax rate.

Displays the CST amount against 4% tax rate.

(v) Tax Rate@ 10% Turnover

Tax Due

Displays the net assessable value for Interstate Sales - Taxable transactions against 10% tax rate.

Displays the CST amount against 10% tax rate.

(vi) Tax Rate@ 12.5% Turnover

Tax Due

Displays the net assessable value for Interstate Sales - Taxable transactions against 12.5% tax rate.

Displays the CST amount against 12.5% tax rate.

(vii) Tax Rate@ 14.5% Turnover

Tax Due

Displays the net assessable value for Interstate Sales - Taxable transactions against 14.5% tax rate.

Displays the CST amount against 14.5% tax rate.

(viii) Other Rate Turnover

Tax Due

Displays the net assessable value for Interstate Sales - Taxable transactions against tax rate other than the tax rates mentioned above.

Displays the CST amount against tax rate other than the tax rates mentioned above.

Total Turnover

Displays the sum of sales with Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - E1 and Interstate Sales - Against Form C selected as Nature of Transaction.

Total Tax Due

Displays the sum of CST charged on sales with Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - E1 and Interstate Sales - Against Form C selected as Nature of Transaction.

5. (i) Tax Paid


Instrument/ Challan No., Date, Bank Name, Amount

Displays the tax payment details recorded in the Payment Reconciliation screen.

Displays the CST  amount entered in payment voucher using the Stat Payment button.

(ii)Tax paid by way of Adjustments

Displays details of tax paid with adjustment towards CST recorded in the journal voucher.

(iii) Total Tax paid

Displays the total amount of tax paid in fields 5 (i) and 5 (ii).

Exempt Interstate Transaction

Displays all the exempt interstate sales transactions.

6. Value of goods dispatched to outside the state otherwise than by way of Inter State  sale. (as per section 6A of CST Act’56)


(i) Agent/Principal

Displays the value of transactions when Nature of Transaction is selected as Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward.

(ii) Branch / Head Office by the way of Stock Transfer

Displays the value of transactions when Nature of Transaction is selected as Interstate Branch Transfer Outward.

7. Sale of goods in the course of Export to outside India

Sales covered by Sec 5 (1) of CST Act’56

Displays the value of transactions when Nature of Transaction is selected as Exports.

Sales covered by Sec 5(3 ) of CST Act’56 

Displays the value of transactions when Nature of Transaction is selected as Interstate Deemed Exports.

Turnover of Inter-State sales exempt Under Section 6 being second or subsequent sales (E-I/E-II)

Displays the value of transactions when Nature of Transaction is selected as Interstate Sales E2 and Interstate Sales E1 - Exempted.