To record an interstate purchase for deemed exports
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchases.
2. Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.
3. Select the party ledger in Party's A/c Name option.
4. Set the option Is Against C Form to No in Party Details screen. This option appears only when the State selected is other than Haryana.
5. Select a purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable set to Applicable, Set/Alter VAT Details set to Yes.
6. Select Interstate Purchase Deemed Export as the Nature of Transaction.
7. Select the required stock items.
8. Set the option Provide VAT Details to Yes. The Additional Details: Interstate Purchase Deemed Exports screen is appears.
9. Press Enter to return to purchase invoice. The purchase invoice appears as shown below:
10. Press Enter to save.
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