For stock items, the option Specify no. and kind of packages? for invoice was enabled in F:12 Configure in Gateway of Tally.
Now, while recording a sales voucher with a voucher class, the MAV error does not appear.
Now, the right options Form to Receive and Form to Issue appear in debit note and credit note respectively.
o Change in sales consideration
o Change in agreed consideration
o Escalation in price of Goods.
● Similarly, the option Form to Receive was appearing instead of Form to Issue when a credit note was recorded with the following voucher flag:
o Change in Purchase Consideration
o De-escalation in Price of Goods
o Change in agreed consideration
Now, voucher number is not changed for payment transaction after printing the cheque even when Automatic (Manual Override) was set as voucher numbering method.
Now, if symbol of foreign currency used in a multi-currency transaction is same as unit measurement, cursor moves ahead from Rate of Exchange field.
Now, while recording a purchase order, the Terms of Delivery details can be defined under Order Details.
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