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Interstate Purchase Against Form C
Interstate Purchase at multiple CST rates
To record an interstate purchase invoice against Form C
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchases.
2. Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.
3. Select the party ledger in Party's A/c Name option.
4. Set the option Is Against C Form to Yes in Party Details screen. This option appears only when the State selected is other than Goa.
5. Select a common Purchase Ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and Set/Alter VAT Details? is set to No.
6. Select the required stock items.
Note: The stock item is not configured for tax inclusion and MRP.
7. Enter the Quantity and Rate for each stock item.
8. Select the common CST ledger (grouped under Duties & Taxes, Type of Duty/Tax set to CST with Percentage of Calculation set to 0).
Note: Rate specific CST ledgers can also be used here.
9. Set the option Provide VAT Details? to Yes. Enter the additional purchase details and select the Purpose of purchase.
10. Press Enter to return to purchase invoice. The purchase invoice appears as shown below:
11. Press Enter to save.
To record an interstate purchase invoice for items attracting multiple CST rates
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchases.
2. Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.
3. Select the party ledger in Party's A/c Name option.
4. Set the option Is Against C Form? to No in Party Details screen. This option appears only when the State selected is other than Goa.
5. Select a common Purchase Ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and Set/Alter VAT Details? is set to No.
6. Select the required stock items whose VAT rates are specified either at the stock group or stock item level. Enter Quantity and Rate for each stock item.
7. Select the common CST ledger.
Ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the fields:
● Type of duty/tax is set to CST.
● Percentage of Calculation is set to 0.
8. Click A: Tax Analysis to display the Tax Analysis screen.
9. Click F1: Detailed to view the names of stock items. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:
10. Press Esc to return to purchase invoice. The purchase invoice appears as shown below:
11. Press Enter to save.
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