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TallyPrime Release 6.0 Beta is now live! Click here to learn more & get early access to the Power Banking experience! You also get smoother Data Split with robust verification. Easily manage contact details with the new Profile.

Configuring TCS Masters

Tally.ERP 9 facilitates defining TCS details at different levels. This provides the convenience of applying tax rules at the highest level, which is the company level, as well as the flexibility to modify, override or define details at the lower levels, based on one's business requirement.

The application migrates all the TCS Nature of Goods that were used in your previous version of Tally.ERP 9. However, to adapt to the new approach a few configurations have to be done.

TCS Rates

I don't maintain inventory. I manage only accounts in my company.


I deal with goods for which every stock item has a different TCS category.


I maintain multiple stock items under each TCS category.

Other TCS Details

TCS Applicability



Configuring TDS Masters