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Configuring in Bank Ledger

Users can define the cheque dimensions:

To set/alter cheque printing configuration:

Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Create/Alter

The Ledger Creation/Alteration screen appears.

  • Ensure that the ledger is grouped under Bank Accounts or Bank OD Accounts.

  • Enable the field - Set/Alter Cheque Books to provide the cheque range. In the Cheque Range for sub-screen, enter the From number and To number of the cheque leaves as displayed in the cheque book. The number of cheque leaves appears automatically based on the from and to numbers. Enter the book name. Accept the Cheque Range for sub-screen to return to bank ledger master.

  • The field - Set/Alter Banking Configuration will be displayed by default for ledgers grouped under Bank Accounts or Bank OD A/c.

Note: In case where the cheque printing feature is not enabled in F11: Accounting Features the error message - Enable Cheque Printing from F11 Accounting Features will be displayed while setting the option - Set/Alter Cheque Printing Configuration to Yes in the bank ledger master.

  • In the Banking configuration screen, the option - Select Your Bank will be displayed. Here the users have to select the respective bank from the list provided to which their bank account belongs. The list of banks will be displayed based on TSS validity and internet connectivity.

  • Based on the cheque format selected for the bank, the cheque dimensions will be pre-configured.

  • On completion of configuration setup, cheque printing screen appears to preview/print the Sample Cheque.

  • After generating the preview Esc key has to be used to return to ledger master or the sample cheque can be printed. Then the cursor goes to the Mailing Details section of bank Ledger Creation screen. The required details needs to be provided before saving the ledger.