The Included Transactions Details screen displays all the transactions that are included for generating the returns.
To view the Included Transactions Details screen
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form 201 (200).
2. Select Included Transactions.
3. Press Enter.
The Included Transactions Details screen appears as shown below:
● Purchases: Displays the count of all purchase transactions recorded in purchase, journal and payment vouchers.
All purchases which have the following Nature of Transactions defined at the master or transaction level appear in the voucher register:
● Interstate Purchase - Taxable
● Interstate Purchase - Against Form C
● Interstate Branch Transfer Inward
● Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward
● Branch Transfer Inward
● Imports
● Purchase Exempt
● Purchase Taxable
● Purchase - Works Contract
● Tax on URD Purchase
● Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods
● Consignment Transfer Inward
● Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1
● Interstate Purchase - E1
● Interstate Purchase - E2
● Purchase - Zero Rated
● Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated
● Labour Charges Paid
● Interstate Purchase Deemed Export
To display the list of purchase transactions
1. Select Purchases.
2. Press Enter.
3. The Voucher Register screen appears with all the purchases transactions included in the count of Included Transactions.
4. Select the required voucher, and press Enter.
To exclude a voucher from being considered in the count of Included Transactions
● Select the voucher, and click X: Exclude Vouchers.
● Sales: Displays the count of all sales transactions recorded in sales, journal and receipt vouchers.
All sales which have the following Nature of Transactions defined at the master or transaction level appear in the Voucher Register:
● Interstate Sales - Taxable
● Interstate Sales - Against Form C
● Interstate Sales - E1
● Interstate Sales - E2
● Interstate Branch Transfer Outward
● Exports
● Sales High Seas
● Sales Exempt
● Interstate Deemed Export
● Sales Taxable
● Sales - Works Contract
● Sales Zero Rated
● Interstate Sales - Zero Rated
● Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward
● Interstate Sales Exempt - E1
● Labour Charges Collected
● Branch Transfer Outward
● Consignment Transfer Outward
● Deemed Export
To display the list of sales transactions
1. Select Sales.
2. Press Enter.
3. The Voucher Register screen appears with all the sales transactions included in the count of Included Transactions.
4. Select the required voucher and press Enter.
To exclude a voucher from being considered in the count of Included Transactions
● Select the voucher, and click X: Exclude Vouchers.
● VAT Adjustment: Displays the count of all journal vouchers recorded for VAT adjustments.
All journal vouchers recorded with the following Nature of Adjustments appear in the Voucher Register:
● Decrease of CST
● Decrease of Input Tax
● Decrease of Output Tax
● Increase of Output Tax
● Increase of Tax Liability
● Increasing Input Tax
● Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods
● Reducing Tax Liability
● Reversal of Input Tax
● Tax on URD Purchase
Also, for a journal voucher to be included in the count for Included Transactions, the tax rate and the assessable value have to be specified in the sub screen that appears after selecting the VAT ledger.
To display the list of journal vouchers
1. Select VAT Adjustment.
2. Press Enter.
3. The Voucher Register screen appears with all the VAT adjustment journal vouchers included in the count of Included Transactions.
4. Select the required voucher, and press Enter.
To exclude a voucher from being considered in the count of Included Transactions
● Select the voucher, and click X: Exclude Vouchers.
● Sales Returns: Displays the count of all sales returns recorded in journal and credit note.
To display the list of sales returns transactions
1. Select Sales Returns.
2. Press Enter.
3. The Voucher Register screen appears with all the sales returns vouchers included in the count of Included Transactions.
4. Select the required voucher, and press Enter.
To exclude a voucher from being considered in the count of Included Transactions
● Select the voucher and click X: Exclude Vouchers.
● Purchase Returns: Displays the count of all purchase returns recorded in journal voucher and debit note.
To display the list of purchase returns transactions
1. Select Purchase Returns.
2. Press Enter.
3. The Voucher Register screen appears with all the purchase returns vouchers included in the count of Included Transactions.
4. Select the required voucher, and press Enter.
To exclude a voucher from being considered in the count of Included Transactions
● Select the voucher and click X: Exclude Vouchers.
This row displays the count of all sales and purchase transactions which are error-free, and are a part of annexures.
To display the error-free annexures
1. Select Annexure Ready in the Form VAT 200 report.
2. Press Enter.
3. Select the required annexure.
4. Press Enter.
Each annexure can be printed or exported to the template prescribed by the department.
To print the annexure
1. Click P: Print in the Purchase Annexure screen.
2. Press Enter to print.
To export the annexure to the template
1. Click E: Export in the Purchase Annexure screen. The Export Report screen is displayed. Ensure that the Purchase_dtls excel template is available in the Tally.ERP 9 installation folder.
2. Press Enter to export the data.
This row displays the count of vouchers that have errors.
To display the annexures that have errors
1. Select Annexure Errors in the Form VAT 200 report.
2. Press Enter.
3. Select the required annexure.
4. Press Enter.
5. Select each transaction displayed under Vouchers with errors and press Enter.
6. Correct the errors according to the Validation Rules displayed for each Error Type.
7. Press Enter to save.
This row displays the vouchers that are not considered for any annexures.
To display the non-annexure vouchers
1. Select Non Annexure Vouchers in the Form VAT 200 report.
2. Press Enter.
To display the narration entered for each voucher displayed in this report
1. Click F12: Configure.
2. Set the option Show narrations to Yes.
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