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Release Notes for Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.5.5 - India

Always upgrade to the latest release of Tally.ERP 9 to enjoy greater business benefits. Move to the latest release using the easy in-product update facility.


We have made a few enhancements in the product to support the latest statutory changes. Please find the details below:

Support for Union Territories – Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh - Tally.ERP 9 now supports the transaction and invoice printing requirements of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. To comply with the transition date for businesses, with effect from 1-Jan-2020, the following provisions are made available in Tally.ERP 9:

o Ladakh is added to the List of States across the product.

o Company, Masters, Transactions and Invoice Printing have been updated to support GST and VAT for the new union territories.

Computation Report for Kerala Flood Cess - The report KFC Computation is provided to help you file KFC-A returns. With this report, you can check if all the transactions are included for computation, and use the final values to fill KFC-A returns.

Updates as per Finance Bill No. 2 for Payroll - As per the Finance Bill No. 2 of 2019-20, the following changes have been supported:

o Revised Income Tax slab and slab rate for Surcharge

o Insertion of Section 80EEA - Interest on Loan Taken for Certain House Property , with an annual exemption of up to 1.5 lakhs

o Insertion of Section 80EEB - Interest on Loan Taken for the Purchase of Electric Vehicle , with an annual exemption of up to 1.5 lakhs

e-TDS/TCS updates as per File Validation Utility - Version 6.5 - You can now generate e-return text files of TDS forms 26Q, 27Q, 27EQ and 24Q with the new State code of Ladakh . These exported text files can be validated using the e-TDS/TCS File Validation Utility - version 6.5.

Product Improvements


The GST CMP-08 report now displays the tax-rate-wise break-up of purchases made under reverse charge from registered and unregistered dealers.

Under Summary of Inward Supplies of GST Annual Computation , purchases recorded with the following natures of transaction were consolidated based on HSN, as the tax rates were 0%.

o Purchase from Composition dealers

o Purchase from Unregistered dealers with reverse charge ,

This issue is resolved. Now these purchases are captured separately with 0% tax rate.

In GST Annual Computation , the transactions of B2B supplies to registered persons including credit/debit note were consolidated based on Mailing Name , and displayed a single GSTIN. This occurred when ledgers of multiple parties had the same Mailing Name but different GSTINs. This issue is resolved.

The error Could not find an application to open the file appeared on printing GSTR-3B using Ctrl+P key combination. This error occurred when MS Office was installed as an app and not as a Windows program. This issue is resolved.

A few GST transactions which were included in GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B appeared as exceptions in GST Annual Computation in the following cases:

o The stock items had slab rates and the additional ledgers were defined with the following settings:

o Include in assessable value calculation for was set to GST

o Appropriate to was set to Both

o Method of calculation was set to Based on Value

o The Type of supply defined for stock items was not considered.

This issue is resolved.

In journal vouchers, the nature of adjustment Non-payment to the buyer - rule 37(2) is now changed to Non-payment to the Supplier - Rule 37(2) . This change has been made to convey that the value is related to failed payments to suppliers, as stated in the sub-section of the GST rules.

While updating the Incomplete HSN/SAC information in GST Annual Computation report, the stock item details did not appear for a few transactions. This occurred only when those stock items were used in a huge volume of transactions, and the Exception Resolution screen was viewed for a year. This issue is resolved.

The nil rated sales returns of current period recorded against sales of previous period appeared with a negative sign in GSTR-1 report. But on exporting the report in JSON format, the value appeared without the negative sign. This issue is resolved.

While recording a sales invoice, the value in Rate (Incl. of Tax) was not updated when one item with MRP was replaced with another item with MRP. This issue is resolved.

Purchase and sales vouchers recorded by selecting expense and income ledgers grouped under Primary were not included in GST returns. This issue is resolved. Now such transactions will be Included in Returns for GSTR-1 , GSTR-3B , GST Annual Computation and KFC Computation .

Performance of GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B is enhanced. You will experience that these reports now open quicker than earlier. This also holds good for the drill-down reports and exception resolution screens.

Tax Deducted at Source

A new TDS nature of payment - Payment of certain sums by certain individuals or HUF under Section 194M - is supported as per Finance Bill No. 2.

The e-TDS text file format for Form 26Q is updated to support non-deduction, as required by Annexure-6 .

The voucher count appeared under Overridden Entries exception of Form 26Q , but the drill-down report was blank. This occurred when TDS applicability was enabled in GST ledgers while recording the transactions, and disabled later. This issue is resolved.