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TallyPrime now automatically fetches the distance between origin and destination pincodes, and prints it in the e-Way Bill. You no longer have to manually enter this distance. Download TallyPrime Release 5.1 now!

Interstate Sales - Others (VAT)

You can create vouchers for other interstate sales of VAT.

This nature of transaction is provided for Rajasthan.

To record an invoice for other interstate sales

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Enter the Reference no.

3. Select the party ledger in the field Party's A/c Name .

4. Select the sales ledger grouped under Sales Accounts with Nature of transaction set to Interstate Sales - Others .

5. Select the stock item. Enter the Quantity and Rate .

The sales invoice appears as shown below:

6. Press Enter to save.