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e-Way Bill

Effective from 1st April 2018, all registered dealers need to generate e-Way Bill for the movement of goods if the total of taxable value and tax amount in the invoice exceeds Rs. 50,000.

Tally.ERP 9 supports the latest e-Way Bill JSON Preparation Tool, Version 1.0.0219.

In Tally.ERP 9, you can enter e-Way Bill details only when such transactions are recorded with stock items. The provision to enter e-Way Bill details is not available in accounting invoice mode, and in companies enabled to Maintain only accounts .

Setup for e-Way Bill

Record invoice with details required for e-Way Bill, and create JSON

e-Way Bill option not appearing in the invoice - Probable causes and solution

e-Way Bill for exports, imports and transactions with SEZ units

Upload JSON file to portal

Print the invoice with e-Way Bill number


Export for e-Way Bill

Update e-Way Bill Information

e-Way Bill Report

Consolidated e-Way Bill

Export data to JSON preparation tool, and create JSON

Impact of latest e-Way Bill updates on transactions recorded in prior releases

Enter e-Way Bill Details Directly on the Portal (From Release 6.3 to 6.3.1)

Setup for e-Way Bill

1. Open the company.

2. Press F11 > F3 .

3. Enable Goods and Services Tax (GST) - Yes .

4. Set/alter GST details - Yes .

5. In the Company GST Details screen, e-Way Bill options, including the applicable date, threshold limit, and the value to be considered for the threshold limit, are provided.

6. Select the value to be considered for the threshold limit based on your business requirement.

Note: Ladakh is listed in the State field in Release 6.5.5 and later versions.

You can enable the option e-Way Bill applicable for intrastate? and enter the Threshold limit , based on the applicability of e-Way Bill for your state. The threshold limit will be applied for the transactions recorded from Release 6.4.6.

In the party ledger, if you have selected the Registration type as:

Regular or Composition : The GSTIN/UIN is considered as the transporter ID.

Unknown or Unregistered : Enter the 15-digit Transporter ID .

If the transporter ID is incorrect, the message appears as shown:

Record invoice with details required for e-Way Bill, and create JSON

When you enable e-Way Bill for a company, the option Export e-Way Bill details from invoice after saving? is also enabled in the Voucher Configuration screen.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Select the party ledger, sales ledger, stock items, and tax ledgers. When the invoice value is above Rs. 50,000, the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details? appears which is set to Yes . Press Enter to view the Statutory Details screen.

Note: A POS invoice is issued in the check-out counter of a shop, and the goods are generally carried by the buyer. Hence, the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details? will not appear in a POS invoice. If the supplier agrees to deliver the goods and the transaction value exceeds the threshold limit of e-Way Bill, you can enter the transport details from e-Way Bill reports.

3. In the Statutory Details screen, enter the mandatory details required for generating the e-Way Bill.

Note: Click F12: Configure to:

Enable consolidated e-Way Bill details - enter the details required for generating a consolidated e-Way Bill.

Show state name for Dispatch From and Ship To - select the state name under Dispatch From and Ship To sections.

Show consignor details - update your company address details.

Provide the relevant details in the fields which has the asterisk marked in red * .  Once you provide the details, the colour of the asterisk will turn black. If you have provided one of the mandatory details.

Note: Ladakh is listed in the State field in Release 6.5.5 and later versions.

Check the distance between the pincodes entered for Dispatch From and Ship To on the e-Way Bill System ( e-Way Bill system > Search > Pin to Pin distance ).

Enter the Distance (in KM) based on the Pincode entered in Dispatch From and Ship To sections of e-Way Bill Details screen.

Enter the distance manually for the first time.

o Based on the combination of same party ledger and pincodes entered in the e-Way Bill Details screen of previous invoice, the distance will be prefilled for the subsequent invoices.

o If the prefilled distance is changed in the e-Way Bill Details screen of any of the invoices, the updated distance will get prefilled for the subsequent invoices.

Note: If you enter the Distance for the first time, the same will be retained for the combination of same party and pincodes. You can change it, if required. If you press Spacebar on the Distance field, the Distance will reappear, as it cannot be left blank.

For transport by:

o Road , you can either enter the Date and Vehicle number , or Date and Transporter ID .

If the State of consignor and consignee are Jammu & Kashmir or Ladakh, based on the voucher date, the relevant GSTIN will appear in the GSTIN/UIN fields. The state name Ladakh is listed in every State field under e-Way Bill Details in Release 6.5.5 and later releases.

o Rail/Air/Ship , you have to enter the Date along with either the Doc. No. , Lading No. , RR No. , or AirWay No.

4. If goods are transported in different modes or vehicles, press Ctrl+T to enter the Transporter's Details . Enter the distance manually for the first time.

o Based on the combination of same party ledger and pincodes entered in the previous invoice, the distance will be prefilled in the Transporter's Details screen for the subsequent invoices.

o If the prefilled distance is changed in the e-Way Bill Details screen of any of the invoices, the updated distance will get prefilled for the subsequent invoices.

5. Accept the Transporter's Details screen.

6. Click W : e-Way Bill Details t o enter the details of multiple e-Way Bills generated for a single transaction.

In the e-Way Bill Details screen, enter the e-Way Bill No. and Date for each Sub Type along with the Document Type and Status of e-Way Bill . You can now select SKD/CKD/Lots , as per the new e-Way Bill requirements.

If you are updating the consignor and consignee details, enter the pincodes for both. Based on these pincodes, manually enter the Distance in the Transporter's Details (when the option Update Transporter Details is enabled) or e-Way Bill Details (if transporter details are not updated), for the first time.

o Based on the combination of same party ledger and pincodes entered in the previous invoice, the distance will be prefilled in the Transporter's Details or e-Way Bill Details for the subsequent invoices.

o If the prefilled distance is changed in the Transporter's Details or e-Way Bill Details of any of the invoices, the updated distance will get prefilled for the subsequent invoices.

7. Accept the e-Way Bill Details screen .

8. Press Enter to accept the invoice. The Export Details for e-Way Bill screen appears.

9. Press Enter to create a JSON file. The folder in which the JSON is created now appears.

10. Upload the JSON file to the portal to generate the e-Way Bill.

11. Return to the invoice in Tally.ERP 9. Enter the e-Way Bill No. and e-Way Bill Date in the Update e-Way Bill Information screen.

Note: You can update these details in the Update e-Way Bill Information report as well.

To create one JSON for multiple invoices from the Invoice Ready for Export section of e-Way Bill Report .

If you have configured the voucher type to print after saving, you can print the invoice with e-Way Bill number .

Note: If you had entered e-Way Bill details in delivery note and tracked it to sales invoice, you need to manually enter the same details of e-Way Bill in the sales invoice.

Mandatory details missing in invoice

If the mandatory details required for generating e-Way Bill are not provided or specified incorrectly, a message appears while saving the voucher. You can provide the details by referring to the message.

Altering an invoice

If you alter the invoice and the total value exceeds Rs. 50,000, the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details? appears to enter the e-Way Bill details. It prompts for generation of JSON on saving the invoice. You can also create JSON at a later point in time, by clicking E : Export in the alteration mode of the invoice.

UQC for e-Way Bill

The list of Unit Quantity Code (UQC) provided by GSTN for GSTR-1, does not match with the list provided by NIC for e-Way Bill. Also, the availability of UQC is not mandatory for generating the e-Way Bill. Hence, the export of UQC mapped to the stock items selected in the invoice, is not supported in Tally.ERP 9. Once the list of UQC provided by NIC matches with that of GSTN, the required changes will be made available in Tally.ERP 9.

e-Way Bill option not appearing in the invoice - Probable causes and solution

You can do the following if the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details? is not appearing in the invoice.

1. Voucher creation screen - make a note of the voucher date, voucher amount, and whether it is an interstate or intrastate transaction. Then check if:

The option e-Way Bill applicable? is set to Yes in the Company GST Details screen (F11 > F3).

The voucher date is on or after the Applicable from date set for e-Way Bills.

The voucher amount is above the, Threshold limit set for interstate or intrastate transaction, based on the Invoice value , Taxable and exempt goods value or Taxable goods value , as defined for the option Threshold limit includes .

Make the required changes and save the screen.

Record a new transaction, enter the amount and date, and check if the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details? is appearing in it.

If the option does not appear, rename the Tally.cfg file in Tally folder and recheck the date and values in the voucher. Ensure the relevant options are enabled in the Company GST Details screen.

2. Voucher alteration screen - in the e-Way Bill Reports :

Check if the invoice is appearing in the Invoices Exported section of the report (as the e-way Bill details were exported for creating the JSON file).

Press Ctrl+I to check if the e-Way Bill details are available.

3. If difficulty persists, go to e-Way Bill report, and check if the transaction is listed. If not press Ctrl+G . In the:

Information required for e-Way Bill not provided section, check if the transaction is available and resolve the exception.

Invoices Ready for Export section, check if the transaction is available.

e-Way Bill for exports, imports and transactions with SEZ units

If you select the Nature of transaction provided for Exports :

o Select:

o The State as Other Countries under Bill To .

o The Indian state or other territory in which the airport, shipping yard or border check post is located, under Ship To .

o Enter the Pincode of the location (airport, shipping yard or border check post) from where the consignment is exported. A note appears to indicate this information.

o The GSTIN appears as URP , under Bill To .

If the consignor's State is Jammu & Kashmir or Ladakh, based on the voucher date, the relevant GSTIN will appear in the GSTIN/UIN field. The state name Ladakh is listed in every State field under e-Way Bill Details in Release 6.5.5 and later releases.

If you select the Nature of transaction provided for Imports :

o The GSTIN appears as URP , under Bill From .

o The State under Bill From appears as Other Countries . Select the Indian state or other territory in which the airport, shipping yard or border check post is located under Dispatch From .

o You can enter the Pincode of the location (airport, shipping yard or border check post) to which the consignment is imported. A note appears to indicate this information.

If the consignee's State is Jammu & Kashmir or Ladakh, based on the voucher date, the relevant GSTIN will appear in the GSTIN/UIN fields. The state name Ladakh is listed in every State field under e-Way Bill Details in Release 6.5.5 and later releases.

Note: When the party is of foreign country, the Sub Type appears as Export (for sale) or Import (for purchase), with a note.

If you change the Sub Type (to anything other than Export or Import ), the note will not be displayed.

For purchases, if you select the Nature of transaction provided for SEZ :

o The party's GSTIN will appear under Bill From section.

o The State under Bill From section appears as Other Countries . Select the Indian state or other territory in which the airport, shipping yard or border check post is located under Dispatch From .

o You can enter the Pincode of the location (airport, shipping yard, or border check post) to which the consignment is received.

For sales, if you select the Nature of transaction provided for SEZ :

o The party's GSTIN will appear under Bill To section.

o Enter the Pincode of the location (airport, shipping yard, or border check post) from where the consignment is dispatched.

o Select:

o The State as Other Countries under Bill To .

o The Indian state or other territory in which the airport, shipping yard or border check post is located, under Ship To .

Note: When the party is of SEZ unit, the Sub Type appears as Export (for sale) or Import (for purchase), with a note.

If you change the Sub Type (to anything other than Export or Import), the note will continue to appear. You can ignore the note as it is not relevant for any other Sub Type .

Upload JSON file to portal

1. In the GST portal , click e-Way Bill System > Click here to go to e-Way Bill Portal .

2. To generate the e-Way Bill, choose the required links:

o e-Waybill > Generate Bulk

o Consolidated EWB > Generate Bulk

3. Click Choose File > select the JSON > click Upload & Generate . The e-Way Bill gets generated.

Print the invoice with e-Way Bill number

If the voucher type is enabled to Print voucher after saving , the Voucher Printing screen appears on saving the voucher. If not, go to alteration mode of the invoice and click P : Print . In the Voucher Printing screen:

1. Click F12: Configure .

2. Ensure the option Print e-Way Bill No.? is set to Yes .

3. Accept the Invoice Print Configuration screen.

4. Press Enter to print the invoice.

Export for e-Way Bill Report

In this report, you can:

Resolve the exceptions by entering the mandatory details that were not provided during voucher entry.

Check the invoice status to export or update e-Way Bill number and date.

Create JSON or export data to JSON preparation tool

You can press Shift+Enter on each invoice under Invoices Ready for Export and Invoices Exported , to view the transport details of each invoice.

In this section

Status-wise View of e-Way Bill Report

HSN Code not specified

Information required for e-Way Bill not provided

Invoices Ready for Export

Invoices Exported

Excluded by User

Voucher-wise View of e-Way Bill Report

Status-wise View of e-Way Bill Report

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > GST > e-Way Bill > Export for e-Way Bill . The report appears for one day. You can change the date or period, if required.

Click F2: Date to change the date.

Click F2 : Period to change the period, if needed.

Click F12: Configure , and enable the options to view purchases made from unregistered and other dealers and sales returns. If you have tracked delivery notes in sales, you can view only sales or delivery note or both sales and delivery notes. You can also change the threshold limit of the transaction to view the relevant vouchers in the report.

Note: The option Include Tracked Vouchers will appear only if Use tracking numbers (enable delivery and receipt notes) is enabled in the Inventory Features .

HSN Code not specified

Displays the count of transactions for which HSN code is not defined.

1. Select the exception HSN Code not specified , and p ress Enter .

2. Select the required stock item.

3. Enter the HSN/SAC Name and HSN/SAC .

4. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Information required for e-Way Bill not provided

Displays the count of transactions for which mandatory details required for generating e-Way Bill are not provided. If a POS invoice value exceeds the threshold limit provided for e-Way Bill, the transaction appears here.

1. Select the exception Information required for e-Way Bill not provided , and press Enter .

Skip Validation : Click S : Skip Validation for vouchers that you want to accept without validating the following:

o Transporter ID

o Vehicle number


o Pincode

o Distance

This button will be activated only for vouchers in which these details are not available in the format provided by the department.

Press Enter to accept.

The State field appears under Dispatch From and Ship To sections in e-Way Bill details screen of the invoice. If you have not selected the State name under Bill From , Dispatch From , Bill To or Ship To , the invoice will appear as an exception. To resolve this exception, you need to select the Indian State or other territory.

While resolving the exception, Other Countries will not be listed for selection as per the latest requirements of e-Way Bill.

For the other exceptions, you can do one of the following:

o Click X : Exclude Vouchers , to exclude a transaction from this report.

o Press Ctrl+W and enter the e-Way Bill Details for sales and POS invoice.

o Select the required voucher, and press Enter .

o Pincodes of consignor and consingee and distance are blank : Enter the Consignor Pincode and Consignee Pincode . If you had entered the distance in any of the previous invoices for these pincodes and party ledger combination, the Distance will be prefilled. You can edit this distance if required.

o Distance and pincode of consignor are blank : Enter the Consignor Pincode . If you had entered the distance in any of the previous invoices for these pincodes and party ledger combination, the Distance will be prefilled. You can edit this distance if required.

o Distance and pincode of consignee are blank : Enter the Consignee Pincode . If you had entered the distance in any of the previous invoices for these pincodes and party ledger combination, the Distance will be prefilled. You can edit this distance if required.

2. Enter the other missing details (for sales and POS invoices).

3. Accept the screen.

Invoices Ready for Export

Displays the count of transactions which have all the mandatory details required for generating e-Way Bill, and are ready for export.

1. Select Invoices Ready for Export and press Enter .

2. Click F12: Configure and enable the options to view the taxable value and tax amount in separate columns.

Press Shift+Enter on each invoice, to view the transaction types inferred based on the States selected in the e-Way Bill Details screen.

Click F4: Party to select a particular party ledger, and display the relevant transactions.

Click X : Exclude Vouchers , to exclude a transaction from this report.

Press Ctrl+O to open the GST portal.

3. Select the required transaction (press Spacebar to select more than one transaction), and press Ctrl+E to export.

4. Press Enter to create the JSON file.

Invoices Exported

Displays the count of transactions which are exported in MS Excel or JSON format.

1. Select Invoices Exported and press Enter .

2. Click F12: Configure and enable the options to view the taxable value and tax amount in separate columns.

3. Press Shift+Enter on each invoice, to view the transaction types inferred based on the States selected in the e-Way Bill Details screen.

Based on the location of the party selected (under Bill To , Ship To , Bill From and Dispatch From ) in the invoice, the Transaction Type appears in this report.

o Regular - appears when the State or location selected in the sections:

o Bill From and Dispatch From is same, or

o Bill To and Ship to is same.

o Bill To - Ship To - appears when the same State is selected under Bill From , Dispatch From , and Bill To .

o Bill From - Dispatch From - appears when the State selected under Bill From and Dispatch From are different, but Bill To and Ship To is same .

o Combination of 2 and 3 - appears when four states are involved (different states are selected under Bill From , Dispatch From , Bill To and Ship To ).

Click F4: Party and select the required party ledger.

Click X : Exclude Vouchers , to exclude a transaction from this report.

Press Ctrl+O to open the GST portal.

Press Ctrl+E for to export the transactions to MS Excel or JSON format. This button is highlighted only on selecting transactions that do not have e-Way Bill number and date.

Press Ctrl+I to enter the e-Way Bill number and date in the Update e-Way Bill Information report.

Press Ctrl+W to enter the e-Way Bill details for the invoice in Manage e-Way Bills screen (same as Statutory Details screen of the invoice).

Excluded by User

Displays the count of transactions which excluded from the e-Way Bill report.

Select Excluded by User and press Enter .

Click I : Include Vouchers to include the transaction in the report.

Voucher-wise View of e-Way Bill Report

In the Status-wise View of Export for e-Way Bill report, click V : Voucher-wise View to display the transaction details.

Update e-Way Bill Information

Displays invoices for which e-Way Bill number and date are not provided.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > GST > e-Way Bill > Update e-Way Bill Information . Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+I from the Export for e-Way Bill report to view this report.

2. Select the required party, and press Enter . The report appears for only one day. You can change the date or period, if required.

3. Click F12: Configure and set the options, as required.

Note: The option Include Tracked Vouchers will appear only if Use tracking numbers (enable delivery and receipt notes) is enabled in the Inventory Features .

4. You can click S : Status-wise View to view the report based on invoice status.

5. Enter the e-Way Bill No. , e-Way Bill Date , Consolidated e-Way Bill No. and Consolidated e-Way Bill Date , as applicable for each transaction.

6. Save the report.

e-Way Bill Report

Displays invoices that have e-Way Bill number and date.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > GST > e-Way Bill > e-Way Bill Report . Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+R from Export for e-Way Bill or Update e-Way Bill Information reports to view this report.

In this report, you can:

o Click F4: party and select the required party ledger.

o Press Ctrl+G for status-wise view of Export for e-Way Bill report.

o Press Ctrl+I to enter the e-Way Bill number and date in the Update e-Way Bill Information report.

o Press Ctrl+W to enter the e-Way Bill details for the invoice in Manage e-Way Bill screen (same as Statutory Details screen of the invoice).

o Press Ctrl+O to open the GST portal.

Consolidated e-Way Bill

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > GST > e-Way Bill > e-Way Bill Report .

Click C : Consolidated to view the grouping based on mode, vehicle number, place and state.

In this report, you can:

o Click C : Invoice-wise to view the details of individual invoices.

o Select more than one invoice (press Spacebar ), press Ctrl+U to enter the consolidated e-Way Bill invoice number and date.

o Select more than one invoice (press Spacebar ), and press Ctrl+E to create JSON for consolidated invoices as shown below:

The options in Update Consolidated Details appear only when the details are not provided in the invoices selected for export. The Mode , Vehicle No. , From Place and State entered here, will be updated in the invoices.

Press Ctrl+O to open the GST portal.

Export Data to JSON preparation tool, and Create JSON

When you save the invoice enabled with the option to Export e-Way Bill details from invoice after saving , the Export Details for e-Way Bill screen appears. The default format is set to JSON e-Way Bill Details (Data Interchange) . To download the tool, and export:

1. Press Ctrl+O from Export for e-Way Bill or e-Way Bill Reports , to open the GST portal .

2. Click e-Way Bill System > Click here to go to e-Way Bill Portal .

3. In the e-Way Bill system , click Help > Tools > Bulk Generation Tools .

4. Under JSON Preparation Tools , click E-Waybill JSON Preparation (Generation of EWB by Common enrolled transporter included in this version) . The file EWB_Preparation_Tool0219.xlsm gets downloaded.

5. Copy the downloaded file to the Export Location of Tally.ERP 9.

6. In the Export for e-Way Bill screen, click Ctrl+E .

7. Select Excel (Spreadsheet) as the Format . If the template is not available in the Export Location , the message appears as shown:

Download the tool from the e-Way Bill System of the GST portal and copy it in the Export Location of Tally.ERP 9.

8. Press Enter to export the data.

9. The file opens. Click Validate . On successful validation click Prepare JSON .

10. Upload the JSON file to portal to generate the e-Way Bill.

Impact of latest e-Way Bill updates on transactions recorded in prior releases

Transaction Sub Type in e-Way Bill Details screen of the invoice

o All the transactions recorded earlier by selecting SKD/CKD , will display SKD/CKD/Lots .

o In purchases made from SEZ, the Sub Type appeared as Supply . From Release 6.4.9, it will appear as Import .

o In sales made to SEZ, the Sub Type appeared as Supply . From Release 6.4.9, it will appear as Export .

States in e-Way Bill Details screen of the invoice for exports, imports and transactions with SEZ: For transactions recorded upto Release 6.4.8, the State is retained as is. From Release 6.4.9, the State under:

o Bill To appears as Other Countries for exports and sales to SEZ units. The State under Ship To will be left blank. Select the Indian State or other territory in which the airport/shipping yard/border check post is located.

o Bill From appears as Other Countries for imports and purchases from SEZ units. The State under Dispatch From will be blank. Select the Indian State or other territory in which the airport/shipping yard/border check post is located.

The points mentioned above, applies to data enabled with GST composition feature.

Enter e-Way Bill Details Directly on the Portal (From Release 6.3 to 6.3.1)

If you are using Release 6.3 or 6.3.1, you can enter the transaction details on the National Informatics Centre (NIC) portal, and generate the e-Way Bill. After registration on the portal, you can generate e-Way Bill, print it, and print the invoice from Tally.ERP 9 with e-Way Bill number