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Pending Purchase Order Summary (International)

Pending Purchase Order Summary report displays the list of all those Purchase Orders which were placed during the Analysis Year but were not completed either partially or completely.

On this page

View the Pending Purchase Order Summary report

Button options in the Pending Purchase Orders Summary report

View the Pending Purchase Order Summary report

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification > Pending Documents > Purchase Orders .

Pending Purchase Order Summary report displays the list of all those Purchase Orders which were placed during the Analysis Year but were not completed either partially or completely.

Particulars : Displays the Party Names with whom the Pending Purchase Orders were placed during the analysis Year.

Orders : Displays the total number of Pending Purchase Orders with each Party.

Opening Value : Displays the total Value of the Orders pending with each Party which are either partially completed or still pending.

Preclosed Value : Displays the total Value of Preclosed Orders with each Party.

Received Value : Displays the Value of Orders received for each Party which are partially completed.

Closing Value : Displays the total Value of the pending Orders with each Party either partially or completely.

The user can press Enter on the required party name to view the Pending Purchase Order details.

Button options in the Pending Purchase Orders Summary report

Ctrl+F9: Master Config : Click Ctrl+F9 : Master Config or press Ctrl+F9 to identify Related Party and apply Sampling methods for analysis.

W : Working Note : Click W : Working Note or press Alt+W to specify the working note details at Company or Group or Ledger or Voucher level. The details provided in working note will be captured in Working Paper along  with the details of User Name, Working Note Date and Time, Status, Note and so on. In Working Note Details screen,

o Details for : In this field, select the level for which Working Note to be entered.

o Company : On selection of Company as the Level, the cursor will move to Working Note field to enter the details.

o Group : Selection of group based on the ledger selected, displays the list of Parent Groups for defining the Working Note.

o Ledger : On selection of level - Ledger, the application will default the ledger for which the user wants to enter the Working Note.

o Working Note : In this field enter the working note details.

o For Future Reference? : By default this option will be set to No. Set the option to Yes, to carry the Working Note forward to the next analysis period. That is, the Working Note details will be displayed in Working Paper of Current as well as Next Analysis Period.

F9: Inv Reports : Click F9 : Inv Reports or press F9 to navigate to the default Inventory Reports.

F10: Acc Reports : Click F10 : Acc Reports or press F10 to navigate to the default Accounting Reports.

F10 : Analysis Reports : Click F10 : Analysis Reports or press Alt+F10 to navigate to the other Analysis Reports.