Type search words and press enter
Now manage multiple licenses together using the multi-site license feature in TallyPrime. Assign a unique site ID to each license under a single Tally.NET account for a hassle-free licensing experience.

Allocate Costs to Projects (Journal Vouchers)

Journal vouchers can also be used to allocate receipts and payments for job or projects.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Click F7:Journal .

2. Click F12: Configure . The Voucher Configuration screen appears.

3. Enable the option Allow Cash Accounts in Journals .

4. Enter the Date .

5. Select the expense or income ledger.

6. Select the Bank or Cash ledger.

7. Enter the Amount . The Cost Allocation screen appears.

8. Select the Cost Centre and enter the Amount .

9. Press Enter .

10. Select another Cost Centre and enter the Amount , if required.

11. Press Enter .

12. Enter Narration , if required. The Accounting Voucher screen appears as shown below:

13. Press Enter to save the transaction.