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Pre-close Orders in Delivery or Receipt Note

Orders can be pre-closed when goods are delivered or received. This can be recorded in a delivery note or receipt note.

ABC Company received an order on 4-9-2009 for 11 nos of Colour Monitor 17" at Rs. 17,500 each . On 5-9-2009, the Company received information to cancel 1 Colour Monitor 17" and delivery the rest.

Sales Order Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers > F5 : Sales Order to create a sales order for the transaction.

Delivery Note Voucher

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers > F8 : Dely Note .

2. Click F12: Configure .

3. Set the option Use Pre-Closure order details to Yes .

4. Select Party A/c Name from the List of Ledger Accounts .

5. Select Order No(s) from the List of Orders , if a sales order exists for the customer.

The Party Details screen appears as shown below:

6. Select the stock item. The Stock Item Allocations screen appears.

7. Select the Tracking Number . The stock item, quantity and rate will appear automatically as the sales order number is selected.

8. Select the Godown .

9. Enter the Quantity delivered and the Pre-Close Quantity .

10. Press Enter .

11. Enter the Reason for Pre-Close .

The Stock Item Allocations screen appears as shown below:

12. Press Enter .

13. Enter Narration , if required.

The Inventory Voucher Creation screen appears as shown below:

14. Press Enter to save the transaction.

The above order is cleared since the quantity is delivered as per specification and one item is also cancelled using pre-close feature.

Note: The partial quantity of total order placed can be pre-closed by entering the pre-close quantity in Item Allocation screen of Receipt Note in alteration mode. The pre-closed quantity and reason entered in Item Allocation will be captured in Order Details screen.