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Price Levels

In Tally.ERP 9, you can create different Price Levels and assign different Price Lists to these Price Levels. For example, you can create Wholesaler, Distributor and Customer as Price Levels and assign applicable Price Lists to these Price levels, as per your requirements, so that only the relevant prices and discount rates are used during entry of orders and invoices. Before you start creating Price Lists, you may decide to create Price Levels as required.

On this page

Create price levels

Assign Price Levels to Ledger Accounts

Use Price Levels during Voucher Entry

Create Price Levels

Multiple price levels can be created and different price list can be assigned to these price levels.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > F2: Inventory . The Company Operations Alteration screen appears.

2. Set Use multiple price levels to Yes . The Company Price Levels screen appears as shown below:

3. Enter the Company Price Levels names.

4. Press Ctrl+A to accept and return to the inventory features screen.

5. Press Ctrl+A to accept the inventory features screen.

Note: To alter a price level, from the Company Operations Alteration screen overwrite the Price Level's name.

Assign Price Levels to Ledger Accounts

On creating price levels, you can make price levels applicable for ledgers grouped under Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Info. > Ledgers > Create .

2. Enter the Name of the customer.

3. Select Sundry Debtors in the field Under .

4. Select the Pricing level applicable .

5. Enter other details, as required.

If you select the price list in the ledger, you need not select it again while passing an invoice. This will make the process of Invoice entry faster.

Note: For a Ledger, you can only assign only one Price Level at a time, however you can change the Price Level selection depending upon your requirement in alteration mode or during voucher entry.

Use Price Levels during Voucher Entry

Once price levels are created and assigned to ledger accounts, the stock item prices are automatically displayed in a transaction. The automation minimizes errors during invoicing.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales .

2. Select the customer ledger in the field Party's A/c Name .

3. Press Enter .

4. Select the Price Level , required.

Note: Set the option Allow modification of all fields during entry to Yes to modify price levels during voucher entry.

5. Select the Item .

6. Enter the Quantity and Rate .

7. Enter Narration , if required.

8. Press Enter to save.