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Age-wise Bifurcation of Sundry Debtors (India)

The Revised Schedule VI requires the disclosure of Trade Receivables that have been classified as Current Assets and are outstanding for more than 6 months. Tally.ERP 9 provides the Agewise Bifurcation of Sundry Debtors to serve the purpose.

On this page

View age-wise bifurcation of Sundry Debtors

Configuration options

View age-wise bifurcation of Sundry Debtors

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet .

Drill down into the Note Summary for Trade Receivables .

Click on Ctrl+C : Classify Helper or press Ctrl+C .

The Agewise Bifurcation of Sundry Debtors report is displayed:

Select a Ledger and click on Ctrl+Enter : Classify or press Ctrl+Enter , or,

Select multiple Ledgers using Spacebar and click on C : Multi Classify or press Alt+C , to perform Schedule VI Rule Configuration

The Group/Ledger level Schedule VI Configuration screen available from this report shortlists the Schedule VI Groups under which the chosen Ledger(s)/Group(s) can be classified. Click on Ctrl+L : Show All or press Ctrl+L to view the entire List of Heads .

To view the entire List of Heads, click on Ctrl+L : Show All or press Ctrl+L .

Configuration options

Click on F12 : Configure or press F12 to change the view of the report.

Show Ledgers having : The user can choose to view only those Ledgers that have their groups classified under Schedule VI Groups ( Classified Amount ), or only those Ledgers that have balances that have not been classified ( Un-classified Amount ) balances. To view all Ledgers, select Both as shown below:

Show Ledgers of Type : To view only those Ledgers that have been categorised under Schedule VI Groups, select Classified . To view only those Ledgers that have not been categorised under Schedule VI Groups, select Un-Classified . To view all Ledgers, select Both as shown below:

Classify On Account to : On Account payments can be classified as Less Than Six Months or More Than Six Months .