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File GSTR-9C

Use the transactional data from Tally.ERP 9 to file GST annual returns Form GSTR-9C. The information from return forms GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-3B, GSTR-9 and other registers provided in Tally.ERP 9 will help you to compute the values for GSTR-9C. Find the steps to extract this information and compute the value for annual returns given below:

On this page

Getting details for filing GSTR-9C

GSTR-9C form description

Getting Details for Filing GSTR-9C

To start with keep all the information on hand before initiating the filing process. You will get these details from GSTR-1 , GSTR-2 , and GSTR-3B , the steps to get them are shown below.

Get GSTR-1 details

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > GST > GSTR-1 .

2. Click F2: Period and change the period to 01-07-2017 to 31-03-2018 .

3. Resolve exceptions of all the transactions listed under Incomplete/Mismatch in information (to be resolved) .

4. Click F12: Configure and enable the option Show tax types in separate columns . This will display CGST, SGST,and IGST tax amounts in separate columns instead of combined value  in a single column.

5. Press Ctrl+E and select the option Excel GSTR-1 (Spreadsheet) in the Format field.

6. Retain all other fields.

7. Select the option All Vouchers in the Allow Export of field.

8. Press Enter to export.

Get GSTR-2 details

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > GST > GSTR-2 .

2. Click F2: Period and change the period to 01-07-2017 to 31-03-2018 .

3. Resolve exceptions of all the transactions listed under Incomplete/Mismatch in information (to be resolved) .

4. Click F12: Configure and enable the option Show tax types in separate columns . This will display CGST, SGST,and IGST tax amounts in separate columns instead of combined value  in a single column.

5. Press Enter to view the report with new added columns.

Get GSTR-3B details

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > GST > GSTR-3B .

2. Click F2: Period and change the period to 01-07-2017 to 31-03-2018 .

3. Resolve exceptions of all the transactions listed under Incomplete/Mismatch in information (to be resolved).

4. Click F12: Configure and enable the option Show tax types in separate columns . This will display CGST, SGST,and IGST tax amounts in separate columns instead of combined value  in a single column.

5. Press Enter to view the report with new added columns.

File GSTR-9

1. Log in to the GST portal.

2. click the Annual Returns option.

Form GSTR-9C

Different sections in GSTR-9 and the information recorded in them is described below:

Pt. I Basic Details

Pt. II Reconciliation of turnover declared in audited Annual Financial Statement with turnover declared in Annual Return (GSTR9)

Pt. III Reconciliation of tax paid

Pt. IV Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC)

Pt. V Auditor's recommendation on additional Liability due to non-reconciliation

Pt. I Basic Details




Financial Year

Displays the financial period for which the returns are being filed. It is 01-07-2017 to 31-03-2018 .



Displays the GSTIN of the regular taxable person filing the annual returns. The GSTIN is recorded in the GSTIN/UIN field in the Company GST Details screen ( F11 > F3 > Set/alter GST details? ).


Legal Name

Displays the legal name of the company. This value is pre-filled on the portal.


Trade Name (if any)

Displays the trade name of the company, if any. This value is pre-filled on the portal.


Are you liable to audit under any Act?

In case you are liable to be audited under income tax/statutory audit/ or of any other form of audit, set this field to Yes .

Pt. II Reconciliation of turnover declared in audited Annual Financial Statement with turnover declared in Annual Return (GSTR9)



Reconciliation of Gross Turnover


Turnover (including exports) as per audited financial statements for the State / UT (For multi-GSTIN units under same PAN the turnover shall be derived from the audited Annual Financial Statement)

Displays the turnover as per the audited annual financial statements. To get this value go to Profit & Loss A/c report in Tally.ERP 9 and change the period to April '17 to March '18 . Add the values of Sales Accounts groups and Direct/indirect Income groups. Enter the sum of these values here.

Ensure that the value matches with the audited financial statement.


Unbilled revenue at the beginning of Financial Year

Displays the unbilled revenue in the last financial year books create on accrual basis and carried forward to current year.

To get this value go to Profit & Loss A/c report in Tally.ERP 9 and change the period to April '17 to March '18 . Select the ledger account created for unbilled revenue and press Enter to drill down. In the Ledger Monthly Summary screen, get the grand total of the Debit column.


Unadjusted advances at the end of the Financial Year

Displays the value of advances for which GST was paid but were not recognized as revenue during audit Financial Statement.

To get this value go to GSTR-1 report in Tally.ERP 9 and change the period to April '17 to March '18 . Click View Return Format (if Summary View is displayed) to display the report in return format. Go to Amount unadjusted against supplies under Advance Receipts and drill down. Enter the total value of the column Unadjusted Advance in the Advance Receipts Summary report.


Deemed Supply under Schedule I

Displays the aggregate deemed supplies as per schedule I that are not included in the audited financial statement.

Get the sum of the values in the following:

a) Credit balance of fixed asset ledger for the return period.

b) Sales and income ledger transactions of account created for related party. Go to the ledger voucher report of this part, click F8 : Columnar and select sales and income ledgers under Name of Account . Record values displayed for sales group ledgers and income group ledgers in the columnar report.

c) Value from transactions such as material out, stock transfer to third party godown, delivery note (not billed) recorded for transfer of material without consideration is recorded here.

In case the value is already reported in 5A, the same need not be reported here.


Credit Notes issued after the end of the financial year but reflected in the annual return

Displays the aggregate value of credit notes issued post 31st March for supplies from previous financial year. These credit notes should have been reflected in annual return Form GSTR-9.

You can get this value in two different ways:

First method, go to GSTR -1 report in Tally.ERP 9 and change the period to April '18 to September '18. Export the report to the GSTR-1 excel template. Open the exported data, check the sheets cdnr and cdnur . Filter for C in the Document Type column. From the filtered list, identify the invoices with original invoice date from previous financial year. Enter the sum of invoice totals of all the credits identified.

If there are amendments to these transactions the value from the amended invoice should be considered. You will get the amendment details in the filed GSTR-1.

Second method, go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Account Books > Journal Register > Credit Note Register . Drill down from any month and change the period to April '18 to September '18. Click F5: Columnar and enable the option Show voucher reference and date . In the columnar report, check the Vo ucher Ref. and Date column and identify the invoices with date from previous financial year. Enter the sum of gross total of all the identified credit notes.


Trade Discounts accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but are not permissible under GST

Displays the trade discount accounted for in the audited financial statement, on which GST was leviable (being not permissible).

To get this value, go to Profit & Loss A/c in Tally.ERP 9 and change the period to Apr '17 to Mar '18. Identify the accounts created for trade discount and post sale discount under the direct /indirect expense groups on which GST has not been reversed.


Turnover from April 2017 to June 2017

Displays the turnover included in the audited financial statement for April '17 to June '17.

Go to Profit & Loss A/c and change the period to Apr '17 to Jun '17. Identify all the accounts under Sales Accounts and Direct/indirect income groups. Enter the sum of closing balances of these groups.


Unbilled revenue at the end of Financial Year

Displays the unbilled revenue recorded in the books as per accrual basis in previous financial year and GST not payable in the same year.

To get this value, go to Profit & Loss A/c report in Tally.ERP 9 and change the period to Apr '17 to Mar '18. Select the account created for unbilled revenue and drill down. From the Ledger Monthly Summary report, enter the grand total of Credit column.


Unadjusted Advances at the beginning of the Financial Year

Displays the value of advances for which GST has not been paid but recognised as revenue in audited financial statement.

To get this value, go to Balance Sheet report in Tally.ERP 9 and change period to previous financial year. Check the groups Current Liabilities and Current Assets and identify the transactions recorded for advance receipt but does not have a corresponding sale. Enter the sum of values of all such advance receipts.


Credit notes accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but are not permissible under GST

Displays the credit notes that are part of financial statement but not permitted under GST.

To get this value, go to Credit Note Register and change the period to return period. Identify transactions in which GST is not charged and entre the sum of these transactions.


Adjustments on account of supply of goods by SEZ units to DTA Units

Displays the aggregate value of supplies made by SEZs to Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) units for which bill of entry was filed by the buyer.

If you are a SEZ unit get this value from Sales Register. In the sales register identify the transactions made to DTA that have bill of entry details. Enter the sum of invoice totals of all such invoices.


Turnover for the period under composition scheme

Displays the turnover for which GST was paid by composition dealer at the time of opting out of composition scheme.

To get this value, go to Profit & Loss A/c and change the period to the time when registration type was Composition. Select Sales Accounts and Direct/Indirect Incomes groups. Enter the sum of the closing balances these groups.

This value should match the audited annual financial statement."


Adjustments in turnover under section 15 and rules thereunder

Displays the difference in turnover in annual returns (GSTR 9) and audited annual financial statement due to difference in valuation of supplies.

You have to compute this value manually, or get the value from Tally.ERP 9 if you have marked transactions with modifications using Narration or any other identifier. Enter the sum of values in such transactions.

Alternatively, go to GSTR-1 report and press Ctrl+A (Vch. Accepted as Valid).  Select Vouchers accepted with original values and drill down. In the Vouchers Accepted with Original Values report, press F12: Configure and  select the options Taxable Value Modified and Taxable value/Rate modified in the Filter the vouchers by potential reason . Enter the sum of the values of the filtered transactions."


Adjustments in turnover due to foreign exchange fluctuations

Displays the forex gain/loss adjusted to the turnover in the return period. Get the forex gain/loss from the Profit & Loss A/c in Tally.ERP 9.


Adjustments in turnover due to reasons not listed above

Displays the difference in turnover in annual returns (GSTR 9) and audited annual financial statement due to reasons not listed above.

You have to compute this value manually, or get the value from Tally.ERP 9 if you have marked transactions such transactions using Narration or any other identifier.


Annual turnover after adjustments as above

Displays auto computed value.


Turnover as declared in Annual Return (GSTR9)

Displays the annual turnover as displayed in annual return form GSTR-9. The turnover is recorded from 5N, 10 and 11 in the annual returns.


Un-Reconciled turnover (Q - P)

Displays auto computed value as the difference between Q and P.



Reasons for Un - Reconciled difference in Annual Gross Turnover


Reason 1

Displays reason for mismatch between the annual turnover declared in the audited annual financial statement and turnover as declared in the annual return GSTR-9.

The reason should be towards the value in table 5R.


Reason 2

Displays another reason for mismatch between the annual turnover declared in the audited annual financial statement and turnover as declared in the annual return GSTR-9.

The reason should be towards the value in table 5R.


Reason 3

Displays another reason for mismatch between the annual turnover declared in the audited annual financial statement and turnover as declared in the annual return GSTR-9.

The reason should be towards the value in table 5R.



Reconciliation of Taxable Turnover


Annual turnover after adjustments (from 5P above)

Displays the auto computed value and should be equal to 5P.


Value of Exempted, Nil Rated, Non-GST supplies, No-Supply turnover

Displays the net turnover of exempt, nil rated, non-GST and no-supply transactions.

To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report in Tally.ERP 9 and change the period to Jul '17 to Mar '18. Ensure that all exceptions are cleared. Click V : View Return Format to display the report in return format. Get the value from the table Nil Rated Invoices - 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D . Check if the invoices comprising the value have any amendments in the form of credit or debit notes. Enter the net value after considering the amendments.


Zero rated supplies without payment of tax

Displays the net value of zero rated supply, including supplies to SEZ, on which tax is not paid.

To get this value, go to the GSTR-1 excel template to which returns data was exported from Tally.ERP 9. In the b2b sheet, filter for SEZ without payment in the Invoice Type column. Check if there are any amendments to the list of transactions. Get the sum of aggregate values after considering amendments.

Also, in the exp sheet, filter for WOPAY in the Export type column. Check if there are any amendments to the list of filtered transaction. Get the sum of aggregate value after considering the amendments.

Enter the sum of the values computed in these two sheets.


Supplies on which tax is to be paid by the recipient on reverse charge basis

Displays the net value of reverse charge supplies on which tax is paid by the recipient.

To get this value, go to GSTR-1 excel template to which data was exported from Tally.ERP 9. Go to b2b sheet and filter for reverse charge transactions. Now, go to the cdnr sheet, compare the transactions with the original in b2b sheet. Enter the sum of the aggregate Taxable Value from the filtered reverse charge transactions.


Taxable turnover as per adjustments above (A-B-C-D)

Displays the difference between the annual turnover after adjustment declared in 7A and the sum of exempt, nil rated, non-gst, and reverse charge invoices declared in 7B, 7C, and 7D.


Taxable turnover as per liability declared in Annual Return (GSTR9)

Displays the annual turnover declared in annual returns table 4N.


Unreconciled taxable turnover (F-E)

Displays the auto calculated value, the difference between 7F and 7E.



Reason for Un-Reconciled difference in taxable turnover


Reason 1

Displays the reason for the unreconciled taxable turnover declared in 7G.


Reason 2

Displays another reason for the unreconciled taxable turnover declared in 7G.


Reason 3

Displays further reason for the unreconciled taxable turnover declared in 7G.

Pt. III Reconciliation of tax paid



Reconciliation of rate wise liability and amount payable thereon



Displays the reconciliation of tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 5% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 5%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, enter the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 5%.



Displays the reconciliation of reverse charge tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 5% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Go to Reverse Charge Supplies section and enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 5%.

Integrate tax, Central tax, State/UT tax, and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, go to Reverse Charge Supplies section and record the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 5%.



Displays the reconciliation of tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 12% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 12%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, enter the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 12%.



Displays the reconciliation of reverse charge tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 12% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Go to Reverse Charge Supplies section and record the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 12%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, go to Reverse Charge Supplies section and record the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 12%.



Displays the reconciliation of tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 18% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 18%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, enter the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 18%.



Displays the reconciliation of reverse charge tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 18% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Go to Reverse Charge Supplies section and record the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 18%.

Integrate tax, Central tax, State/UT tax, and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, go to Reverse Charge Supplies section and record the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 18%.



Displays the reconciliation of tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 28% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 28%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, record the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 28%.



Displays the reconciliation of reverse charge tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 28% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Go to Reverse Charge Supplies section and enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 28%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, go to Reverse Charge Supplies section and enter the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 28%.



Displays the reconciliation of tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 3% tax rate.

Taxable Value: To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 3%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, enter the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 3%.



Displays the reconciliation of tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 0.25% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 0.25%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, enter the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 0.25%.



Displays the reconciliation of tax paid in reconciliation statement and tax paid as declared in annual return GSTR-9 for 0.10% tax rate.

Taxable Value : To get this value, go to GSTR-1 report and change the period to Jul '17 and Mar '18. Click V : View Summary to view the report in summary mode and click F1 : Detailed . Enter the Taxable Value from the sales taxable at 0.10%.

Integrate tax , Central tax , State/UT tax , and Cess : From GSTR-1 report for the return period, enter the value from respective tax type column for sales taxable at 0.10%.



Displays the interest paid for each tax type for the annual period.

To get this value, identify the payment transactions recorded for tax paid to the department. Filter the transactions with ledger created for interest on tax payable. Enter the sum of such transactions tax type wise.


Late Fee

Displays the late fee paid for each tax type for the annual period.

To get this value, identify the payment transactions recorded for tax paid to the department. Filter the transactions with ledger created for late fee on tax payable. Enter the sum of such transactions tax type wise.



Displays the penalty paid for each tax type for the annual period.

To get this value, identify the payment transactions recorded for tax paid to the department. Filter the transactions with ledger created for penalty on tax payable. Enter the sum of such transactions tax type wise.



Displays the any other payment made to department for each tax type for the annual period.

To get this value, identify the payment transactions recorded for tax paid to the department. Filter the transactions with ledger created for any other payment made to department. Enter the sum of such transactions tax type wise.


Total amount to be paid as per tables above

Displays the auto calculated values as the sum of values from 9A to 9O.


Total amount paid as declared in Annual Return (GSTR 9)

Displays the amount of tax payable as declared in table 9 of annual returns. It also includes the differential tax paid shown in table 10 and 11 of annual returns.


Un-reconciled payment of amount

Displays auto calculated value as the difference in amounts shown in Q - P.



Reasons for un-reconciled payment of amount


Reason 1

Displays the reason for mismatch in tax shown the 9R.


Reason 2

Displays another reason for mismatch in tax shown the 9R.


Reason 3

Displays further reason for mismatch in tax shown the 9R.



Additional amount payable but not paid (due to reasons specified under Tables 6,8 and 10 above)


Displays the tax payable due to difference in audited financial statement and form GSTR-9 as per the reasons recorded in the sections 6, 8, and 10. Enter the Taxable Value and tax amount tax type wise for 5% rate.


Displays the tax payable due to difference in audited financial statement and form GSTR-9 as per the reasons recorded in the sections 6, 8, and 10. Enter the Taxable Value and tax amount tax type wise for 12% rate.


Displays the tax payable due to difference in audited financial statement and form GSTR-9 as per the reasons recorded in the sections 6, 8, and 10. Enter the Taxable Value and tax amount tax type wise for 18% rate.


Displays the tax payable due to difference in audited financial statement and form GSTR-9 as per the reasons recorded in the sections 6, 8, and 10. Enter the Taxable Value and tax amount tax type wise for 28% rate.


Displays the tax payable due to difference in audited financial statement and form GSTR-9 as per the reasons recorded in the sections 6, 8, and 10. Enter the Taxable Value and tax amount tax type wise for 3% rate.


Displays the tax payable due to difference in audited financial statement and form GSTR-9 as per the reasons recorded in the sections 6, 8, and 10. Enter the Taxable Value and tax amount tax type wise for 0.25% rate.


Displays the tax payable due to difference in audited financial statement and form GSTR-9 as per the reasons recorded in the sections 6, 8, and 10. Enter the Taxable Value and tax amount tax type wise for 0.10% rate.


Displays the interest payable due to difference in audited financial statement and GSTR-9.

Late Fee

Displays the late fee payable due to difference in audited financial statement and GSTR-9.


Displays the penalty payable due to difference in audited financial statement and GSTR-9.

Others (please specify)

Displays the any other payable due to difference in audited financial statement and GSTR-9.

Pt. IV Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC)



Reconciliation of Net Input Tax Credit (ITC)


ITC availed as per audited Annual Financial Statement for the State/UT (For multi-GSTIN units under same PAN this should be derived from books of accounts

Displays the ITC availed (after reversals) as per the audited Annual Financial Statement for all registrations under the PAN.

To get this value, identify tax ledger with debit balance in the audited financial statement. From this debit value, remove tax payments, reversal and other adjustments. Enter the balance as the ITC availed.


ITC booked in earlier Financial Years claimed in current Financial Year

Displays the ITC booked in the audited annual financial statement of previous year but availed in the ITC ledger in the current year. This includes transitional credit which was booked in past years but availed during the reporting period.

In Tally.ERP 9, go to ledger register of tax ledger ( Gateway of Tally > Display > Account Books > Ledger > select the tax ledger), filter for journal vouchers recorded with Transitional Credit journal flag or filter for vouchers using other identifier such as Tran-I in Narration field, if recorded. Enter the sum of credit values in the filtered transactions.

Alternatively, you can get these values from GSTN Portal. Login to the portal, go to Ledgers section and select Electronic Credit Ledger . Select the transactions with description as Transitional Cenvat / VAT Credit . Enter the value from these transactions.


ITC booked in current Financial Year to be claimed in subsequent Financial Years

Displays the return period ITC claimed in current year.

To get this value, go to Profit & Loss A/c and drill down from Purchases group to the Voucher Register lever for each ledger in the group. Change the period to return period, identify the transactions for which ITC was not claimed and it was availed in current year. Similarly, get the values for all ledgers in Expenses group. Enter the sum of ITC from all such transactions.


ITC availed as per audited financial statements or books of account

Displays the auto calculated value based on the values declared in 12A, 12B and 12C.


ITC claimed in Annual Return (GSTR9)

Displays the net ITC available as declared in annual returns GSTR-9.


Un-reconciled ITC

Displays auto calculated value as the difference of values in E - D.



Reasons for un-reconciled difference in ITC


Reason 1

Displays the reason for mismatch in ITC as per audited annual statements of the reporting period as declared in 12F.


Reason 2

Displays another reason for mismatch in ITC as per audited annual statements of the reporting period as declared in 12F.


Reason 3

Displays further reason for mismatch in ITC as per audited annual statements of the reporting period as declared in 12F.



Reconciliation of ITC declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) with ITC availed on expenses as per audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account



Displays reconciliation of ITC declared in the annual return GSTR-9 against the expenses booked in the audited annual financial statement.

Value : To get this value go to Profit & Loss A/c in Tally.ERP 9 and change the period to Apr '17 and Mar '18. Select the groups Purchases, Direct Expenses, and Indirect Expenses. Drill down from a selected group and get the sum of closing balances of all the sub-groups and ledgers under it. Exclude the values from purchase of non-GST supplies. Similarly, get the values for remaining groups. Enter the sum of values calculated for all groups.

Amount of Total ITC : To get this value, drill down to Voucher Register level from Purchase, Direct Expenses and Indirect Expenses groups in the Profit & Loss A/c . Click F8 : Columnar to enable columns. In the columnar report, get the grand total of the tax columns. Enter sum of tax values for all GST transactions under these groups.

Amount of eligible ITC availed : To get this value, compare the actual tax with eligible ITC, if the both are some, enter the same value as in column Amount of Total ITC here. If not, enter the difference value.


Freight / Carriage

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Power and Fuel

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Imported goods (Including received from SEZs)

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Rent and Insurance

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Goods lost, stolen, destroyed, written off or disposed of by way of gift or free samples

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.



Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Employees' Cost (Salaries, wages, Bonus etc.)

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Conveyance charges

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Bank Charges

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Entertainment charges

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Stationery Expenses (including postage etc.)

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Repair and Maintenance

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Other Miscellaneous expenses

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Capital goods

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the particular expense type.


Any other expense 1

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the any other expense.


Any other expense 2

Displays the transaction value, ITC and ITC availed values for the any other expense.


Total amount of eligible ITC availed

Displays auto calculated value as declared in 14A to 14Q.


ITC claimed in Annual Return (GSTR9)

Displays the net ITC availed in the annual returns GSTR-9. Get this value from 7J in annual return GSTR-9.


Un-reconciled ITC

Displays the auto calculated difference in values from 14S and 14R.



Reasons for un-reconciled difference in ITC


Reason 1

Displays the reason for the mismatch in ITC value as shown in 14T.


Reason 2

Displays the reason for the mismatch in ITC value as shown in 14T.


Reason 3

Displays the reason for the mismatch in ITC value as shown in 14T.



Tax payable on un-reconciled difference in ITC (due to reasons specified in 13 and 15 above)

Central Tax

Displays the amount of central tax payable due difference in financial statements and annual returns GSTR - 9 for the reasons specified in sections 13 and 15.

State/UT Tax

Displays the amount of state/UT tax payable due difference in financial statements and annual returns GSTR - 9 for the reasons specified in sections 13 and 15.

Integrated Tax

Displays the amount of integrated tax payable due difference in financial statements and annual returns GSTR - 9 for the reasons specified in sections 13 and 15.


Displays the amount of cess payable due difference in financial statements and annual returns GSTR - 9 for the reasons specified in sections 13 and 15.


Displays the amount of interest payable due difference in financial statements and annual returns GSTR - 9 for the reasons specified in sections 13 and 15.


Displays the amount of penalty payable due difference in financial statements and annual returns GSTR - 9 for the reasons specified in sections 13 and 15.

Pt. V Auditor's recommendation on additional Liability due to non-reconciliation




Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with additional liability on tax payer as recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of turnover. Enter the taxable value applicable on additional liability for 5% tax rate.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the tax amount for additional liability recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation on turnover. Enter the amount in respective tax type columns for 5% tax rate.


Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with additional liability on tax payer as recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of turnover. Record the taxable value applicable on additional liability for 12% tax rate.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the tax amount for additional liability recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation on turnover. Enter the amount in respective tax type columns for 12% tax rate.


Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with additional liability on tax payer as recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of turnover. Enter the taxable value applicable on additional liability for 18% tax rate.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the tax amount for additional liability recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation on turnover. Enter the amount in respective tax type columns for 18% tax rate.


Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with additional liability on tax payer as recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of turnover. Enter the taxable value applicable on additional liability for 28% tax rate.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the tax amount for additional liability recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation on turnover. Enter the amount in respective tax type columns for 28% tax rate.


Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with additional liability on tax payer as recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of turnover. Enter the taxable value applicable on additional liability for 3% tax rate.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the tax amount for additional liability recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation on turnover. Enter the amount in respective tax type columns for 3% tax rate.


Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with additional liability on tax payer as recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of turnover. Enter the taxable value applicable on additional liability for 0.25% tax rate.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the tax amount for additional liability recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation on turnover. Enter the amount in respective tax type columns for 0.25% tax rate.


Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with additional liability on tax payer as recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of turnover. Enter the taxable value applicable on additional liability for 0.10% tax rate.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the tax amount for additional liability recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation on turnover. Enter the amount in respective tax type columns for 0.10% tax rate.

Input Tax Credit

Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with additional liability on tax payer as recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of input tax credit. Enter the taxable value applicable for mismatch in input tax credit.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the tax amount for additional liability recommended by the auditor for non-reconciliation of input tax credit. Enter the amount in respective tax type columns.


Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with interest to be paid for additional liability recommended by the auditor.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the interest amount payable for different tax types due additional liability recommended by the auditor.

Late Fee

Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with late fee to be paid for additional liability recommended by the auditor.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the late fee payable for different tax types due additional liability recommended by the auditor.


Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with penalty to be paid for additional liability recommended by the auditor.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays the penalty payable for different tax types due additional liability recommended by the auditor.

Any other amount paid for supplies not included in Annual Return (GSTR 9)

Value : Displays the amount of taxable value for supplies not included in annual return as identified by the auditor.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays liability tax type wise for supplies not included in annual return.

Erroneous refund to be paid back

Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with erroneous refund identified by the auditor.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays liability tax type wise for erroneous refunds identified the auditor.

Outstanding demands to be settled

Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with any other outstanding demands to be settled as recommended by the auditor.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays liability tax type wise for any other outstanding demands to be settled as recommended by the auditor.

Other (Pl. specify)

Value : Displays the amount of taxable value associated with any other liability to be payable as recommended by the auditor.

Central tax , State/UT tax , Integrated tax , and Cess : Displays liability tax type wise for any other liability to be payable as recommended by the auditor.