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FAQ on Banking

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Error Messages - Banking

This topic provides few FAQ related to Banking.

1. Why is my cursor is skipping Bank Details while modifying Bank Ledger?

2. How to I provide multiple beneficiary details in my party master?

3. I have set Kotak Mahindra Bank (India) in bank master but don't see the e-Payments option. How to enable e-Payments for my bank?

4. Is a valid Tally.NET subscription required to configure cheque printing in bank ledger?

5. Is internet connection mandatory for configuring cheques in bank ledger in Tally.ERP 9?

6. Can I alter or correct the existing cheque formats in bank ledger of Tally.ERP 9?

7. Do I need to have Tally.NET ID for enabling e-payments?

8. Can I change bank details of the party during voucher creation?

9. How to enable the Instrument no. and Ref. ID fields during voucher creation?

10. What has to be done if Tally.ERP 9 slows down while recording Bank Receipts or Payments?

11. How do I re-send a failed transaction to bank?

12. What transactions are shown under the Ready for sending to bank category?

13. What transactions are shown under the Transactions with incomplete information category?

14. What transactions are shown under the Transactions with information mismatch (with master) category?

15. What transactions are shown under Transactions sent to bank (unreconciled) category?

16. How to configure SWIFT code for international payments for companies whose Country is other than India?


Why is my cursor skipping Bank Details while modifying Bank Ledger?

While altering a bank ledger, the cursor skips the Bank Details section as the required information is available. However, if you want to make changes to the bank details, press Backspace to move to the respective bank details fields and make the required change.


How to I provide multiple beneficiary details in my party master?

You can enter the details of more than one beneficiaries while creating a party ledger.

In the bank ledger, set Provide bank details to Yes.

In the Bank Details for party, press F12: Configure > enable Allow multiple beneficiary details .

Enter multiple beneficiary details by specifying the Ref. ID with other details.

Accept the master.


I have set Kotak Mahindra Bank (India) in bank master but don't see the e-Payments option. How to enable e-Payments for my bank?

If you are not seeing the e-Payments option even after using Kotak Mahindra Bank (India) in the bank master, please contact the relationship manager of your bank.


Is a valid Tally.NET subscription required to configure cheque printing in bank ledger?

Yes, a valid Tally.Net subscription is required to configure cheque printing. Without the latest subscription, you cannot access the latest banks and cheques that are configured in Tally.ERP 9.


Is internet connection mandatory for configuring cheques in bank ledger in Tally.ERP 9?

Yes, an internet connection is required for configuring cheques in Tally.ERP 9, in order to avail the latest list of banks, and their corresponding cheque formats.


Can I alter or correct the existing cheque formats in bank ledger of Tally.ERP 9?

You cannot alter the existing cheque formats in Tally.ERP 9. However, you can use the existing formats to configure a new cheque with the required dimensions.

If you want a new format to be included, send a cancelled cheque to Tally Solutions . The cheque format will be configured correctly in Tally.ERP 9 after receipt of the cancelled cheque. You can also Set the required cheque printing configuration manually .


Do I need to have Tally.NET ID for enabling e-payments?

No, you do not need to configure Tally.NET ID for enabling e-payments. If you are an account holder in DBS bank, and you wish to send transactions to bank from Tally.ERP 9, you must log in to your company with your Tally.NET ID, which is registered with the bank.


Can I change bank details of the party during voucher creation?

Yes, you can change the bank details of the party while creating the voucher. For example , you can change the IFS code.


How to enable the Instrument no. and Ref. ID fields during voucher creation?

During voucher creation, in the Bank Allocations for screen, press F12: Configure .

To enable the Inst. no. field, set Show inst. No. during voucher creation to Yes .

To enable the Ref. ID field, set Show Ref. ID to Yes .

The Inst. no. and Ref. ID fields appear in the Bank Allocations for screen.


What has to be done if Tally.ERP 9 slows down while recording Bank Receipts or Payments?

Restart Tally Gateway Services, if Tally.ERP 9 does not respond (hangs), or has performance issues while recording receipt or payments using bank ledger.

Take a backup of your data.

Remove the capsule folder that is available in the Tally.ERP 9 installation folder.

Stop and restart Tally Gateway Services from the Services.msc.


How do I re-send a failed transaction to bank?

From the e-payment report, when you drill down to the Transactions sent to bank (unreconciled) category, select the failed transactions and click the Reset Status button.

The transactions will be moved to Ready for sending to bank . Then you can rectify the issues, if any, before sending them to the bank (in case of DBS) or exporting them (in case of banks supported for e-payments).


What transactions are shown under the Ready for sending to bank category?

Transactions that have the mandatory bank details of the payee fall under the Ready for sending to bank category, in the e-Payments report. For example, for e-fund transfer (NEFT, RTGS) A/c no. and IFSC are necessary. Additionally, you can update the transactions under Transactions with incomplete information and Transactions with information mismatch (with master) categories and move them to the Ready for sending to bank category.


What transactions are shown under the Transactions with incomplete information category?

If you have recorded payment transactions with a bank ledger and a party ledger without necessary bank details, such transactions are displayed under the Transactions with incomplete information category. Necessary details are account number and IFS code. You can drill down to this category, provide the missing details for the transactions, and then move the transactions to the Ready for sending to bank category.


What transactions are shown under the Transactions with information mismatch (with master) category?

If you have modified the bank details saved in the party ledger while recording a transaction, such transactions are displayed under the Transactions with information mismatch (with master) category. You can drill down to the transactions in this category and update the voucher with the details provided in the party master. You can also choose to retain the bank details as is by clicking the Accept as is button. In either case, the transactions move to the Ready for sending to bank category.


What transactions are shown under Transactions sent to bank (unreconciled) category?

The Transactions sent to bank (unreconciled) category includes all transactions exported or sent to bank from the voucher creation screen and from the e-Payments report.


How to configure SWIFT code for international payments for companies whose Country is other than India?

Currently, this is supported only for Kenya .