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Annexure 1D (Delhi)

Annexure 1D captures tax rate wise details of stock in hand at the end of the financial year. The values of the items with tax rates 0%, 1%, 5%, 12.5%, 16.6%, 20% and 25% is captured in this annexure.

The Stock Statement (Form Stock-1) is printed as Annexure 1D . Annexure 1D captures tax-rate-wise details of stock-in-hand at the end of the financial year. This annexure is supported in Tally.ERP 9 from Release 5.0 onwards. It has to be filed along with DVAT Form 16 at the end of the financial year.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form DVAT 16 > Stock Statement . The VAT Annexure screen appears as shown below:

2. Press Ctrl+P . The Print Report screen appears as shown below:

3. Enter the return period From and To dates.

4. Enter the Name , Status/Designation , Place and Date .

5. Set Round of Values to Yes (to round of the amount value to the nearest rupee).

6. Press Enter to print annexure 1D.