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Schedule VI Rule Configuration (India)

Users can classify Tally Groups/Ledgers under Schedule VI Income and Expenditure Heads as required, all the while keeping the Profit & Loss A/c and data intact.

On this page

View Schedule VI Rule Configuration

Schedule VI Rule Configuration for Ledgers

Schedule VI Rule Configuration for Groups

Schedule VI Classification

View Schedule VI Rule Configuration

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Profit & Loss A/c .

Place the cursor on a Schedule VI Head and press Enter . The Note Summary for the selected Schedule VI Head appears:

Drill down into the Schedule VI Heads in the Note Summary report for Schedule VI Rule Configuration .

Schedule VI Rule Configuration for Ledgers

The Ledgers classified under the selected Schedule VI Head will appear as shown below:

Place the cursor on the required Ledger and click on Ctrl+Enter : Classify or press Ctrl+Enter to define Schedule VI Rule. The Schedule VI Configuration screen appears:

To set Rules for multiple Ledgers at once, select the required Ledgers using Spacebar , and click on C : Multi Classify or press Alt+C .

The Group Schedule VI Rule Alteration screen appears as shown below:

Schedule VI Rule Configuration for Groups

In the Note Summary screen, click on F5 : Grouped, or press F5 . The Note Summary screen appears as shown below:

The Groups that have been classified under the respective Schedule VI Head appears as shown below:

Place the cursor on the required Group and click on Ctrl+Enter : Classify or press Ctrl+Enter to define Schedule VI Rule.

To set Rules for multiple Ledgers at once, select the required Groups using Spacebar , and click on C : Multi Classify or press Alt+C .

Schedule VI Classification

The procedure to configure Schedule VI Rules for both Ledgers and Groups are the same.

Schedule VI Rule Configuration for Groups/Ledgers can be done based on Classification Type and Schedule VI Groups.

There are 6 ways to classify the balances of Tally Groups/Ledgers under the different Schedule VI Heads :

1. Entire Balance : The use of this Classification Type is the same as in Schedule-VI Balance Sheet .

2. Bifurcate Balance : The use of this Classification Type is the same as in Schedule-VI Balance Sheet .

3. Dr/Cr Closing Balance : The use of this Classification Type is the same as in Schedule-VI Balance Sheet .

4. Dr/Cr Pending Amount : The use of this Classification Type is the same as in Schedule-VI Balance Sheet .

5. Dr/Cr Transactions Total : This option is used when a common Group/Ledger is used for both Debit and Credit transactions . In this case, the amount of expenditure has to be classified under an Expense Head, and the amount of Income under an Income Head. For example, Discount is a Ledger under which is used for recording entries for both Discount Allowed (expense) and Discount Received (income).

Choose Dr/Cr Transactions Total as the Classification Type

Choose the Head under which the total of Debit transactions have to be classified, and the Head under which the total amount of credit transactions have to be classified.

Press Enter to save the Configuration.

6. Group Nett Balance : This option is available only for Group-level classification of balance into Schedule VI Heads, and the Group to be classified consists of debit and credit Ledger balances. For example, a Group, Miscellaneous Expenses, has Travel Expenses and Commission charges categorised under it. In such a case,

Choose Group Nett Balance as the Classification Type.

Choose the Expense Head under which the Debit Balance should be classified.

Choose the Income Head under which the Credit Balance should be classified.

Press Enter to save the configuration.