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Periodic Ledger Monthly Summary (International)

The Periodic Ledger Monthly Summary provides the monthly details for payments or receipts for the selected ledger. This report also displays the total number of Ledger Vouchers for each month along with the variance as compared to the Ledger Vouchers in the previous year during the same month.

On this page

View the Periodic Ledger Monthly Summary

Button options in the Periodic Ledger Monthly Summary

View the Periodic Ledger Monthly Summary

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Analysis & Verification > Data Analysis > Period Payments and Receipts .

2. Select the require Ledger and press Enter .

3. You can press Enter on any of the month to view the respective Ledger Vouchers report.

Button options in the Periodic Ledger Monthly Summary

F4: Ledger : Click F4 : Ledger or press F4 to view the monthly summary for any other ledger.

F5 : Quarterly : Click F5 : Quarterly or press Alt+F5 to view monthly or summarised quarterly figures.

F9: Inv Reports : Click F9 : Inv Reports or press F9 to navigate to the default Inventory Reports.

F10: Acc Reports : Click F10 : Acc Reports or press F10 to navigate to the default Accounting Reports.

F10 : Analysis Reports : Click F10 : Analysis Reports or press Alt+F10 to navigate to the other Analysis Reports.