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Recording a Sales Invoice

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When a sales transaction is made, a document detailing the transaction (item name, tax, etc) has to be given to the buyer or debtor as proof of purchase by him. This document is called invoice or bill or cash memo. Tally.ERP 9 provides the option of creating Invoices. You can also alter an invoice to change the party details.

Account Invoice

Item Invoice

Enable or disable item allocation in Item Invoice

Alter party details in an invoice

Account Invoice

Sales account invoice is generally used by professionals such as doctors and consultants who require to issue an invoice for certain services provided such as consultancy charges, professional fees, etc.

Trading and manufacturing organizations also use the Account Invoice for invoicing service charges.

On the Sales entry screen, click Acct Invoice , which is displayed on the Button Bar on the right-hand side of the screen to display the Sales Account Invoice screen.

Pass a sales account invoice for Service provided to Debtor B:

Account Invoice mode displays the list of ledger accounts, which can be invoiced as required. This is unlike Item Invoice where Tally.ERP 9 displays the list of stock items.

Item Invoice

Invoicing is generally used for sale of stock where the details of the items sold are listed. Selecting the Item Invoice allows you to select the stock items that need to be invoiced. Trading and manufacturing organizations commonly use this format.

On the Sales invoice screen, click the button Item Invoice , which is d isplayed on the Button Bar on the right side of the screen and the Sales Item Invoice appears as shown below:

Pass a Sales Invoice against sale of Item A – 50 Nos. @ Rs. 15/= per quantity to Debtor C:

Item Invoice mode displays the list of stock items, which can be invoiced as required.

Enable or disable item allocation screen in item invoice

If the following inventory features are enabled for the company and used, the item allocation screen will appear in item invoice:




Order details

You can disable the features listed above (from F11 > F2: Inventory Features ) if you do not want to view the item allocation screen.

Alter Party details in invoice

Open the invoice in alteration mode.

Select the party ledger, and press Enter to view the Party Details screen.

Press Alt+M and select the required party ledger.

Special Keys for Voucher Narration Field

ALT+R : Recalls the Last narration saved for the first ledger in the voucher, irrespective of the voucher type.

CTRL+R : Recalls the Last narration saved for a specific voucher type, irrespective of the ledger.