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e-CST Form XXVI A (Himachal Pradesh)

Form XXVI A is the form for e-declaration of goods being imported or exported within state.

Form XXVI A displays transactions where the nature of transaction can be any of the following:


o Interstate Sales - Taxable

o Interstate Sales - Against Form C

o Interstate Sales - E1

o Interstate Sales - E2

o Interstate Sales Exempt

o Interstate Sales Exempt - E1

o Interstate Branch Transfer Outward

o Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward

o Exports

o Interstate Deemed Export

o Interstate Sales High Sales

o Interstate Sales - Zero Rated


o Imports

o Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

o Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

o Interstate Purchase - E1

o Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

o Interstate Purchase - E2

o Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

o Interstate Purchase - Taxable

o Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated

o Interstate Purchase Exempt

o Purchase High Seas

o Interstate Purchase Deemed Export

To export Form XXVI A

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > e-Declaration FormXXVIA .

2. Select Form XXVI A , and press Enter .

3. Press Ctrl+E . Ensure that excel template is available in the Export Location .

4. Press Enter to export.

Note: Vouchers of value equal to or greater than a configured amount are displayed in this report. This value can be configured in Show vouchers of value equal to or greater than? under F12: Configure .

The fields in the form are described below:

Column name


Consignee Details


Displays the TIN of consignee.

For sales transactions, the buyer's TIN is captured from the field TIN/Sales Tax No. in the Party Details screen.

For purchase transactions, the consignee TIN is captured from the field TIN/Sales Tax No. in the Party Detai ls screen under consignee details.

For credit notes, the TIN in the Company VAT Details screen is captured.

For debit notes, the buyer's TIN is captured from the field TIN/Sales Tax No. in the Party Details screen.


Displays the name of consignee.

For sales transaction, the buyers name is captured from Buyers field in the Party Details screen.

For purchase transaction, the consignee Name is capture from Consignee field in the Party Details screen under consignee details.

For credit note, the Mailing Name in Company Creation screen is captured.

For debit note, the buyers name is captured from Buyers field in the Party Details screen.

Full Address

Displays the address of the consignee.

For sales transactions, the buyer's address is captured from the field Address in the Party Details screen.

For purchase transactions, the consignee address is capture from the field Address in the Party Details screen under consignee details.

For credit notes, the Address in the Company Creation screen is captured.

For debit notes, the buyer's address is captured from the field Address in the Party Details screen.

To State

Displays the state of the consignee.

For sales transactions, the state is captured from the field To State in the Statutory Details screen.

For purchase transactions, the state is captured from the field State in Company Creation screen.

For credit note transactions, the state is captured from the field State in Company Creation screen.

For debit note transactions, state is captured from the field To State in the Statutory Details screen.

To Place

Displays the To Place (Destination) selected in the Statutory Details screen.

Consignor Details


Display the TIN of the consignor.

For sales and debit note transaction, the TIN from Company VAT Details screen is captured.

For purchase transaction, the TIN is capture from TIN/Sales Tax No. field in the Party Details screen under supplier details.

For credit note transaction, the TIN is capture from TIN/Sales Tax No. field in the Party Details screen under buyer details.


Display name of the consignor.

For sales and debit note transactions, the Mailing Name from the Company VAT Details screen is captured.

For purchase transactions, the name is captured from the field Supplier in the Party Details screen under supplier details.

For credit note transactions, the TIN is captured from the field Buyer in the Party Details screen under buyer details.

Full Address

Display address of the consignor.

For sales and debit note transactions, the Address from the Company VAT Details screen is captured.

For purchase transactions, the address is captured from the field Address in the Party Details screen under supplier details.

For credit note transactions, the TIN is captured from the field Address in the Party Details screen under buyer details.

From State

Displays the From State selected in the Statutory Details screen.

From Place

Displays the From Place recorded in the Statutory Details screen.

Checkpost/ Barrier Name

Displays the Checkpost/Barrier Name selected in the Statutory Details screen.

Vehicle No.

Displays the Vehicle Number (Despatch through) recorded in the Statutory Details screen.

Name of Transporter company

Displays the Transporter Name (Carrier Name/Agent) recorded in the Statutory Details screen.

Transporter Address

Displays the Address of Transporter recorded in the Statutory Details screen.

Details of Goods

Nature of Transaction

Displays the Nature of Goods selected in the VAT Details screen in the stock item master.

G.R. No.

Displays the Goods Receipt No. recorded in the Statutory Details screen.

Bill No.

Displays the invoice number of a sales invoice, and in case of purchases, the Supplier invoice no. recorded in the voucher.

Date of Bill

Displays the sales invoice date, and in case of purchase, the Date recorded against Supplier invoice no. .

Types of Goods

Displays the Type of Goods selected in the VAT Details screen in the stock item master.

Brief Description of Goods

Displays the Commodity name selected in the VAT Details screen in the stock item master. (press Ctrl+C to select the commodity from the Helper )

If Others, Please Specify

Displays user defined Commodity name in the VAT Details screen in the stock item master.

Quantity (Vehicle-wise)

Displays the quantity of goods selected in the transaction.


Displays the unit selected from the List of Reporting UoM in the field Conversion Factor in the stock item master.

Value of Goods (Rs.) (Vehicle-wise)

Displays assessable value and tax amount of the respective commodity in the transaction.