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Online C Form (Chhattisgarh)

The Online C Form needs to be submitted quarterly by every registered dealer. It includes the details of goods purchased in case of interstate trade. This requisition form gives a detailed view of all the purchase related transactions (made from outside Chhattisgarh against all from types) invoice-wise.

Online C Form displays transactions where,

     The nature of transaction selected is any of the following:

o     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C (irrespective of rate)

o     Interstate Purchase - E1 (irrespective of rate)

o     Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

o     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

o     Interstate Purchase - E2

      The VAT TIN of the party is 11 digits long and should not begin with 22.

To export Online C Form to excel template

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory reports > VAT > Declaration Forms > Forms Requisition.

2.    Select Online C Form, and press Enter.

3.    Press Ctrl+E. Ensure that the excel template is available at the Export Location.

4.    Press Enter to export.

To export Online C Form in XML format

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory reports > VAT > Declaration Forms > Forms Requisition.

2.    Select Online C Form, and press Enter.

3.    Press Ctrl+E. The Export Report screen appears.

4.    Select the option XML (data interchange) in the field Format.

5.    Press Enter to export annexure in XML format.

The fields in the form are described below:

Field Name



Displays the VAT TIN of the assessee, as recorded in the TIN field in the Company VAT Details screen.


Displays the seller name, recorded as Name in the party ledger or in the Party Details screen of the voucher.


Displays the address of the seller, as recorded in the Address field in the party ledger master or the Party Details screen of the voucher.


Displays the state to which the party belongs to, as selected in the State field the in party ledger master or in Party Details screen of the voucher.


Displays the VAT TIN of the dealer party, as recorded in the field VAT TIN No. in the VAT Details screen in party ledger master or in the field TIN/Sales Tax No. in the Party Details screen of the sales transaction.


Displays the form type in the field Form to issue in the Statutory Details screen.


Displays the Supplier invoice no. recorded in the purchase transaction.


Displays the Date recorded against Supplier invoice no. in the purchase transaction.


Displays the commodity name of the item selected in the purchase invoice, as recorded in the Commodity name field in the VAT Details screen in the relevant master.

In case multiple commodities are selected in the invoice, the name of the commodity with highest value is captured.


Displays the commodity code mentioned of the item selected in the purchase invoice, as recorded in the Commodity code field in the VAT Details screen in the relevant master.

In case multiple commodities are selected in the invoice, the name of the commodity with the highest value is captured.


Displays the total assessable value of the invoice along with tax.


Displays the purchase order number against which the purchase was made, as recorded in the Purchase Order No. field in the Statutory Details screen.


Displays the purchase order date, as recorded in the field Date in the Statutory Details screen.


Displays the purpose code, as selected in the Purpose of purchase field in the Statutory Details screen.