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Release Notes for Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.5

These release notes include information on all the important improvements made in Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.5.

Click here to know more about the highlights of Release 5.5.

     VAT Improvements for All States

     VAT Improvements - State-wise

     Other Product Improvements

VAT Improvements for All States

     The tax amount from an interstate purchase transaction, recorded in accounting invoice or voucher mode, was appearing under Excess CST Paid Brought Forward in the VAT returns report of the subsequent month. This issue is resolved.

     When an interstate purchase transaction was recorded, the CST amount was not added to purchase cost. Additionally, the following issues were observed:

o     The CST amount was not apportioned when the interstate purchase transaction was recorded in invoice mode.

o     The voucher total was not matching when the option Appropriate tax values in purchase invoice? was enabled in tax ledger.

o     CST amount was appearing under Excess CST Paid Brought Forward in the VAT returns report of the subsequent month when the transaction was recorded in accounting invoice or voucher mode.

This issue is resolved.

     The CST amount was calculated incorrectly when an additional ledger grouped under Purchase Accounts was selected in an interstate purchase transaction recorded in accounting invoice mode. This issue is resolved.

VAT State-wise





Himachal Pradesh




Tamil Nadu


Uttar Pradesh



     The revised e-VAT template of Form 15 for Chandigarh is supported.


     A new experience for generating VAT returns is provided. It features a dynamic report, which helps you resolve exceptions to ensure that your returns are an accurate reflection of your books of accounts. You can save the return for reference or to modify them later.

     The following issues were observed in VAT Form 17:

o     The value in VAT Computation report was not matching with VAT Form 17.

o     Value of sales and purchase transactions with VAT ledger was not captured in box no. 12(1) of VAT Form 17.

o     Details of VAT at 5% were not getting captured in VAT Form 17.

This issue is resolved.

     VAT value from a transaction recorded by selecting an item with the options Calculate VAT on MRP? and MRP incl. of VAT? enabled was captured incorrectly in VAT Form 17. The tax amount was calculated on MRP in the voucher, but in VAT Form 17 the value was appearing based on item rate in the voucher, and not MRP. This issue is resolved.

     The latest templates of VAT and CST return forms and annexures are supported for the state of Chhattisgarh.

     You can apply itemised discount in vouchers. To do this,

o     Create a discount ledger under Indirect Expenses, and select the option Discount in the field Type of Ledger?.

o     Enable the option Activate cash/trade discount? in the F12: Configure options of sales or purchase voucher.

o     Enter the discount percentage or amount in the field Discount appearing under each item.

Now, when the discount ledger is selected in the voucher, the discount value appears based on the given percentage. This discount will not affect the gross sales or purchase value, and is accounted as an expense.

     You can now export return details directly in XML format for the following annexures and requisition forms:

o     Interstate Sales

o     Purchase List ITR claimed

o     Purchase List ITR not claimed

o     Sales list

o     Online C Form

o     Online EI Form

o     Online EII Form

o     Online F Form


     The commodity details were being exported to Delhi VAT Annexure 2A, Annexure 2B, Annexure 30, Annexure 31, and CST Form 2A excel templates even though the information was not mandatory. This was occurring for vouchers recorded with the following nature of transactions:

o     Job Work - Own Goods Inward

o     Interstate Job Work - Own Goods Inward

o     Job Work - Others Goods Inward

o     Interstate Job Work - Other Goods Inward

o     Job Work - Own Goods Outward

o     Interstate Job Work - Own Goods Outward

o     Job Work - Others Goods Outward

o     Interstate Job Work - Others Goods Outward

o     Labour Charges Paid

o     Labour Charges Collected

o     Interstate Labour Charges Collected

This issue is resolved. Now commodity details are not marked as mandatory information in these annexures.


     The latest version of Haryana VAT annexure LP 5, with two new columns Goods Classified for Use in Job Work and For Sale, is supported.

Himachal Pradesh

     The party TIN was not being exported to annexure LP I and LS I excel template. This issue is resolved.

     The rate of VAT was being repeated for local and interstate transactions in box no. 2E of VAT Form XV and box no. 3B of VAT Form XV-A even though the particular rate was used only in local or interstate transaction. This issue is resolved.

     Tax payable amount adjusted in journal voucher using the flag Reverse Input Tax Credit on Unsold Goods in the field Used for continued to appear as negative as tax payable or adjustable in VAT Form XV. This issue is resolved.

     The revised format of Himachal Pradesh e-CST Requisition Form is supported.

     The latest templates of VAT and CST return forms and annexures are supported.

     Himachal Pradesh VAT Form 26 and Form 26A are supported.

     You can record a journal voucher to decrease ITC to the extent of goods not sold. This will help you to avail input credit on the tax paid during purchase, only to the extent of the goods sold.

     You can avail input credit on tax paid during purchase to the extent off of goods sold from such purchases.

     You can print different declarations of a tax invoice as original, duplicate, triplicate, and quadruplicate copies, as required.

     The columns 5, 8, and 9 were empty in VAT Form XV. This issue is resolved.


     VAT annexure details were not getting captured for the state of Jharkhand. This issue is resolved. The latest e-VAT annexures are supported for the state of Jharkhand.

     Value of interstate sales transactions with CST was not being captured in the turnover of goods outside the state in CST Form I. However, while using Stat 88, the same value was captured as export value. This issue is resolved.

     Tax and assessable value was doubled in Form 501 when a sales transaction was recorded in inclusive method. This issue is resolved.

     A new user experience for generating VAT returns is provided. This will help to ensure that your returns are an accurate reflection of your books of accounts.

     The latest templates of VAT and CST return forms and annexures are supported.

     The purchase value including tax was being displayed for interstate purchases in Form VAT 200. This issue is resolved. The values of interstate purchase are captured as per the requirements in the latest format of Form VAT 200.

     The latest online CST Form I is supported.

     When data was migrated from Release 4.93 to Release 5.x, the vouchers recorded for branch transfer outward, consignment transfer outward, branch transfer inward, and consignment transfer inward were flagged as Vouchers with exceptions in Annexure K and Annexure L. This issue is resolved.

     A new user experience for generating VAT returns is provided. This will help to ensure that your returns are an accurate reflection of your books of accounts.

     A provision is made export return details directly in XML format for the following annexures, declaration forms, and e-sugam reports:

o     Annexure - F

o     Annexure - H

o     Sugam P

o     Sugam B

o     Sugam G

o     e-CST Form request - E1/EII

o     C_Forms Received from Other_State


     You can select and list transactions that are greater than a particular value in the e-Sugam report. Set specific values for including transactions in the e-Sugam report using the option Show e-Sugam vouchers with sales invoices of value greater than:.

     New nature of transactions - Interstate Purchase Exempt – With Form C and Interstate Sales Exempt – With Form C - are provided to support recording and reporting of interstate transactions with tax exemption against Form C.

     The value of ledgers grouped under Current Assets was not appearing in the Other Charges column of annexures. This issue is resolved.

     The assessable value of a transaction posted to the annexures was reduced to the extent of the negative value of additional ledger present in the same transaction. This resulted in a difference in the net assessable values in the annexures and form. This issue is resolved.

     When ledgers created for labour charges, for both sales and purchases, were used in local and interstate transactions, the value of such ledger was not appearing in the Other Charges column in annexures. This issue is resolved.

     Purchase transactions recorded by selecting a party from outside India, and Imports as Nature of transaction are flagged as exceptions with TIN error under Interstate Purchase annexure. This issue is resolved.

     The error message Tax period of 1 records are not matching with entered Tax period was displayed while uploading the quarterly e-VAT annexures xml file generated from Tally.ERP 9. This was occurring because the tax period was captured as 12 instead of 4 for the quarter in the xml file generated from Tally.ERP 9. This issue is resolved.

     Tax invoice numbers were not appearing in the From and To columns, under Tax invoices issued in a month, in the printed copy of Form 100. This issue is resolved. The tax invoice numbers appear if you have enabled the option Use as tax invoice? in the sales voucher type.

     Display of Form 100 report was delayed when opened, and when the period was changed using the F2: Period option. This issue is resolved.

     The interstate purchase/sales transactions recorded by selecting unregistered dealer with generic TIN 29000000000 were flagged as exceptions with the error type TIN number is starting with 29 for an Interstate Party. However, when the same generic TIN was recorded while the resolving annexure error, the transaction was included in the annexure.

This issue is resolved. This exception will not appear now as the TIN for all unregistered dealers, local and interstate, is set as 29000000000 by default.

     A purchase invoice recorded by selecting a service item first, and VAT items subsequently, was appearing in Form 100 e-VAT Annexures screen under an annexure, but on drill down, the same was not listed in the annexure screen. This issue is resolved.

     The Krishi Kalyan Cess amount was not included in the value displayed in the Other Charges column of annexures. This issue is resolved.

     The quantity in the field Quantity with Units in the Statutory Details screen was not updated when the quantity was changed while altering the invoice. This issue is resolved.

     A new user experience for generating VAT returns is provided. This will help to ensure that your returns are an accurate reflection of your books of accounts.

     The Karnataka VAT Form 100 was slow to respond while resolving exceptions when a large number of transactions were recorded for the tax return period. This issue is resolved.


     Opening of the Form VAT 10 report was slow. This was occurring when a large number of vouchers with exceptions were accepted as is. This issue is resolved.

     An out of memory error was displayed while exporting Form VAT 10. This issue was occurring in computers using 32-bit windows operating system. This issue is resolved.

     When a cash sales transaction was recorded by selecting a buyer in the Party Details screen, the buyer name was not displayed in the Name of purchasing dealer column of Annexure 8A for the transaction. This issue is resolved.

Tamil Nadu

     When quantity was recorded with decimal value in a transaction, the same was displayed without the decimal separator (.) in the Quantity of goods column in the Annexure 26 report screen, and in the printed copy of the annexure. This issue is resolved.


     Tax invoice to registered dealers was being captured in the VAT annexure 2B instead of annexure 2. This issue is resolved.

     Sales to registered dealers not recorded as tax invoice were being captured in the VAT annexure 2. This issue is resolved.

     The following issues were observed in annexure 1A when multiple items with different commodity codes were selected in a purchase transaction:

o     Purchase amount was not appearing.

o     Commodity code of only the first item was captured in the Name of goods purchased column.

This issue is resolved.

     Supplier invoice date was being captured as purchase invoice date in the VAT annexure 17C. This issue is resolved.

     The TIN was not captured in Annexure II for a transaction when it was recorded with the option Accept Supplementary Details? disabled in the F12: Configure options of the invoice. This issue is resolved.

     The value from interstate sales transactions at 4.5% was getting captured in the column OUTPUT TAX - ON STATE SALE OF - VAT GOODS instead of OUTPUT TAX - ON INTERSTATE SALE in VAT form. This issue is resolved.

     Tax value from interstate purchase against form C transaction recorded in accounting voucher mode was not appearing in the column (12) in annexure XII C. This was occuring when a stock item was selected in such voucher. This issue is resolved.

     VAT amount was doubled in annexure I-A when a purchase transaction recorded in invoice mode was changed to voucher mode. This issue is resolved.

     A new user experience for generating VAT returns is provided. This will help to ensure that your returns are an accurate reflection of your books of accounts.

     The latest templates of VAT and CST return forms and annexures are supported.

     Form Issuable and Form Receivable reports are provided to track local sales and purchases recorded by issuing Form 11.

     The new templates of Uttarakhand e-VAT annexures are supported.

     Now track local purchases recorded by issuing Form 16. A report is available for the same.

     You can levy 2% cess on applicable commodities during first level sale. This can be configured at master level.

Uttar Pradesh

     The error message Error in TDL. ‘Part:VATNG AnnxInfoUpdateDetails’ No ‘PARTS’ or ‘LINES’! was displayed while resolving exceptions under List of vouchers with incomplete/mismatch in information in CST Form I. This issue is resolved.

     A debit note recorded in voucher mode was flagged as an exception, with the exception type Original Invoice details are empty, although details of the original purchase invoice were recorded in the debit note. This issue is resolved.

Other Product Improvements

Accounting Vouchers

Company Creation


Inventory Reports



Remote Client




Accounting Vouchers

     Voucher numbering for back dated vouchers was getting reset to 1 when,

o     The vouchers were created by selecting a voucher type and

o     The voucher type was created by selecting Automatic (Manual Override) as the Method of voucher numbering, and enabling Use advance configurations?

This issue is resolved.

     Click M: Party List, provided in Purchase/Sales, Credit/Debit Note vouchers (voucher mode), to change the party details in the Party Details screen.

     The value set in the Default Accounting Entries screen of the Voucher Type masters was not retained in the alteration mode when,

o     the option Based on Quantity was selected as the Type of Calculation in the ledger master, and

o     the option Calculate tax on current sub-total? was enabled in the F12: Configure of the invoice.

This issue is resolved.

Company Creation

     The error message Memory Access Violation was displayed when a Group Company was shut, while one of its member companies was selected. This issue is resolved.


     While e-mailing a report, the default e-mail message was getting pre-filled even if the e-mail message was specified by the user in the E-Mail Report screen. This issue is resolved.

Inventory Reports

     The opening balance of a stock item was not appearing when the Stock Vouchers report was exported to MS Excel by enabling the option Show Opening Balance? This issue is resolved.

     The transaction-wise consumption was incorrect in the Godown Voucher report when one stock item was recorded multiple times in a single purchase or sales voucher, and the costing method used was FIFO. The consumption value captured in the Job Costing Analysis report, therefore, was also incorrect. This issue is resolved.


     If the country selected in the Company Creation screen is other than India, the country name was appearing right below the company address while printing the invoice or voucher, even if the option Print country, state and Pincode with address? was disabled in printing configuration. This issue is resolved.

     The error message No Access Allowed was displayed when,

o     the option Print Before Save? was disallowed for the selected voucher type in Security Control, and

o     in the Voucher Display report, Alt+P was pressed to print the voucher type.

This issue is resolved.


     The increase in ESI monthly wage threshold from Rs. 15,000/- to Rs. 21,000/- is supported, effective from 1st Jan 2017.

     The revised format of the E-Challan Return (ECR), with the support for Universal Account Number (UAN), is provided.

Remote Client

     Drilling down to the Ledger Vouchers report is fast in a remote connection.