These release notes include information on all the important improvements made in Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.5.3.
● Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chandigarh, Goa, Haryana, Kerala, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Telangana, and West Bengal: New VAT Experience
Generate accurate forms and annexures with ease. Also, experience faster exception handling. View and verify Included, Not-relevant and Incomplete transactions seamlessly. Enjoy the flexibility of defining tax rates at various levels, and create user-defined classifications.
● In an excise supplementary invoice, the VAT amount was being calculated only on the stock item value, without considering the excise duty. Also, incorrect VAT amount was displayed in the VAT triangulation report. These issues are resolved.
● The tax amount was appearing with decimal values in the VAT annexures even when,
o Tax amount was rounded off in the transaction.
o Voucher exception was resolved by selecting the option As per transaction to accept the rounded off value.
This issue is resolved.
● When the tax amount in a voucher was rounded off by selecting Normal Rounding as the rounding method in the VAT tax ledger, the VAT amount for this transaction was displayed with decimal values in the VAT returns report. This issue is resolved.
● The default sales ledger allocated to an item did not change when the item was replaced in the voucher with another item selected in the same voucher class of sales voucher type. This was occurring when,
o The voucher class was created by selecting two different items with separate default sales ledgers under Default Accounting Allocation for Stock item? section in Voucher Type Class screen of sales voucher type.
o The voucher class was created for exclusive of VAT calculation.
This issue is resolved.
● In a cash sales/purchase invoice, the Type of Dealer was not appearing when the party name was selected in the Party Details screen. This issue is resolved.
● Memory Access Violation error was displayed, when the ledger with correct tax type was selected for resolving an exception caused due to incorrect tax type in VAT tax ledger. This was occurring when the exception was resolved using the following steps:
o Press Alt+C to create a new VAT tax ledger from Duty Ledger (As Per Transaction) column of the Exception Resolution screen.
o Select the option VAT as Tax type in the VAT tax ledger, and save the ledger.
o Select the newly created VAT tax ledger in Duty Ledger (As Per Transaction) to resolve the exception.
This issue is resolved.
● The value of surcharge/additional tax was not included in the output VAT amount displayed in words in the printed copy of the excise sales invoice. This was occurring when the options Print VAT /CST Analysis of Items? and Print VAT/CST % Column? were set to Yes in the Invoice Print Configuration screen, while printing. This issue is resolved.
● When a discount of -500 was recorded in a sales invoice, the sales value reduced by 0.01 in the Tax Analysis screen of the invoice. Similarly, the sales value increased by 0.01 when -1000 was recorded as the discount. This was occurring when discount ledger was created with following settings:
o The accounting group Indirect Income was selected in the field Under.
o The option VAT was selected in the field Include in assessable value calculation for.
o The option Based on Value was selected in the field Method of Calculation.
This issue is resolved.
● When an exception caused by modifying tax amount in the voucher was resolved by using the option Accept as is, the tax amount was not retained as is, and displayed an increased value. This increased value was displayed in the VAT reports. This issue is resolved.
● When CST liability was adjusted with the excess tax credit under DVAT, the field R7. 13 Net Tax [R7.10-(R7.11+ R7.12)] continued to display the payable amount in the printed copy of Form I. This issue is resolved.
● New nature of transactions - Interstate Purchase Exempt – With Form C and Interstate Sales Exempt – With Form C - are provided to support recording and reporting of interstate transactions with tax exemption against Form C.
● On drill down from Sales – Works Contract @ 5% and Sales – Works Contract @ 14.5% rows under the Particulars section of Form 14, the Voucher Register screen was appearing blank. This was occurring in Release 5.4.9. This issue is resolved.
● The Form 12A was not appearing for selection in the field Form to Issue while recording a purchase transaction with Deemed Export selected as the Nature of transaction. This issue is resolved.
● The following issues were observed when a POS invoice was recorded without selecting a party and without providing any details in the Party Details screen:
o The transaction was listed under the Vouchers with exceptions column of Annexure B – Part III.
o On drill down to resolve exceptions for the voucher, no errors were displayed in the Annexure Exception(s) screen.
This issue is resolved.
● The interstate purchase transaction recorded by selecting Interstate Purchase – E1 as the Nature of transaction was not getting captured in CST Annexure E. This issue is resolved.
● In an Accounts Only company, there is no option to select or move further from the Stock Item Name field in the Purchase Details screen of the sales invoice recorded by selecting Interstate Sales – E1 or Interstate Sales – E2 as the Nature of transaction. This issue is resolved.
● The Challan No. recorded for a stat payment transaction was not captured in the Form 14 .xml file. This was observed when the option e-Payment was selected as the Mode of Payment in the Challan Reconciliation report. This issue is resolved.
● When the tax amount in a voucher was rounded off by selecting Normal Rounding as the rounding method in the VAT tax ledger, the VAT amount for this transaction was displayed with decimal values in the Form 14 report. This issue is resolved.
● The sales taxable and sales return transactions were appearing in both Annexure B (Part II and Part III) and Annexure Sales Return. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed while opening the e-VAT Annexures screen from Form 14 and while opening each annexure when reporting period was changed to a quarter with large number of transactions. This issue is resolved.
● In the Form – 14 report, no corresponding transaction were displayed on drill down from the Sales Taxable @ x% row to Voucher Register screen although assessable value and tax amount were displayed in the report. This was occurring when tax rate details were configured at item master level and not in accounting ledgers. This issue is resolved.
● The error message Error in TDL. 'Line:WBVATForm14 P1' Insufficient width to allocate! was appearing when e-VAT Form – 14 was printed from the Export Report screen while exporting the form. This issue is resolve.
● Slow performance was observed while opening of VAT Form 14 when the number of vouchers recorded in the reporting period was more than 18000. This issue is resolved.
● New nature of transactions - Interstate Purchase Exempt – With Form C and Interstate Sales Exempt – With Form C - are provided to support recording and reporting of interstate transactions with tax exemption against Form C.
● The Invoice Value column in the C – Form Requisition report was displaying the invoice amount without including the CST value. This issue is resolved.
● The CST amount was not updated in the Tax column but was added to the amount in the VALUE column in Annexure B. Due to this the error DE-10 Invalid Tax was appearing while uploading the returns. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed while changing the reporting period using F2: Period option in Form III when a large number of transactions contained exceptions and were resolved using the option Accept as is. This issue is resolved.
● The latest format of e-VAT Annexure A and Annexure B are supported.
● You can record a transaction to calculate tax on the 20% of AMC revenue by recording the deduction percentage in the Works Contract Details screen.
● New nature of transactions - Interstate Purchase Exempt – With Form C and Interstate Sales Exempt – With Form C - are provided to support recording and reporting of interstate transactions with tax exemption against Form C.
● The error message Error in TDL.’Form:PymtRcpt Print' No 'PARTS" ! was appearing while printing payment transaction recorded using the S: Stat Payment option. This was occurring when the option Print as VAT challan? was set to Yes in the Voucher Printing screen while printing the transaction. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed when exporting annexure details to the e-VAT Form 13 template. This was occurring when the details were exported from individual annexure screens, and not from the Form 13 report screen. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed on drill down from Annexure Ready and Annexure Errors rows of Form 13 to open the e-VAT Annexures screen. This issue is resolved.
● The interstate transactions with parties from following states were marked as exceptions in the purchase annexure Part GG. The transactions continued to be under exceptions even after the state name was selected in the Annexure exception(s) screen. This was occurring due the presence of the symbol & in the name of the state (except Odisha and Puducherry).
o Andaman & Nicobar
o Daman & diu
o Jammu & Kashmir
o Dadra & Nagar Haveli
o Odisha
o Puducherry
This issue is resolved.
● New nature of transactions - Interstate Purchase Exempt – With Form C and Interstate Sales Exempt – With Form C - are provided to support recording and reporting of interstate transactions with tax exemption against Form C.
● When the tax amount in a voucher was rounded off by selecting Normal Rounding as the rounding method in the VAT tax ledger, the VAT amount for this transaction was displayed with decimal values in the Form VAT 200 report. This issue is resolved.
● The following changes are made in Andhra Pradesh VAT module:
o New nature of transactions - Interstate Purchase Exempt – With Form C and Interstate Sales Exempt – With Form C - are provided to support recording and reporting of interstate transactions with tax exemption against Form C.
o The option Reporting unit of measure is removed from the VAT Details screen of accounting ledgers.
● Slow performance was observed while opening the Form VAT 200 report. This issue is resolved.
● The credit note and debit note transactions recorded for return of goods within a period 12 months of original date of sale or purchase will be included in VAT returns.
● The option TDS Adjustments is provided when Decrease of Output Tax is selected as the Nature of adjustment in the journal voucher to support TDS adjustments. The debit value from transaction recorded with this option is updated in column 39 of Form VAT 200.
● The VAT commodity list provided in Tally.ERP 9 is updated to support the latest list of commodities available in the purchase and sales annexure templates.
● The following issues were observed while printing Form 9 for credit note and debit note:
o The details in the last line in the printed address appeared overlapped when the address recorded in the master was more than 5 lines.
o The details in the last line in the printed address appeared overlapped when Remarks running into multiple lines was recorded in the voucher. Now, remarks will be printed below the seal and signature, and will display the details recorded in the Narration field in the voucher.
o The To address was appearing blank when the party address was recorded in the Party Details screen of the voucher.
This issue is resolved.
● The company name from primary mailing details recorded was printed in Form 8 tax invoice when secondary address was selected in Company Address to Print field under Report Titles. This issue is resolved.
● The purchase tax liability created by recording a journal voucher was appearing twice in different rows with the tag declared goods in Form 10 report. This issue is resolved.
● In Form 8b, 99999999999 was appearing as the TIN of the party when TIN details were not recorded in the party ledger or Party Details screen of the transaction. This issue is resolved.
● The following issues were observed in VAT annexure reports:
o The option E: Export was not enabled in the Purchase Annexure and Sales Annexure screen.
o The consolidated value of retail sales should appear as the first row in annexure report but it was displayed in the second row.
This issue is resolved.
● In Form 9, the amount calculated on the MRP value of the item was getting captured instead of the amount calculated on rate recorded in the credit note. This issue is resolved.
● The following issues were observed while recording a credit note against a purchase for increase in the VAT amount:
o The option Provide VAT Details was not appearing if the VAT tax ledger was debited in the voucher and not purchase ledger.
o The credit note recorded without selecting the Nature of Return was added to the excluded transactions list in the Form VAT 201 report and increase in VAT amount was not appearing in the returns.
This issue is resolved.
● The local sales value was not captured in the 37. Sale of goods on which tax has been paid on maximum retail price (actual sale value) section of Form VAT 201, when transactions were recorded using masters with following configuration:
o MRP Rate is recorded in the MRP Details screen
o Calculate VAT on MRP? is enabled in the VAT Details screen
o MRP Goods is selected as the Nature of goods
This issue is resolved.
● The name of the commodity was appearing multiple times in the Commodity name column of the Sales Annexure when multiple items were selected in the same transaction. This issue is resolved.
● The following issues were observed when the commodity name was updated while resolving annexure errors for a transaction recorded without selecting an item:
o The commodity name was updated in the company level VAT Details screen.
o The commodity name was appearing multiple times in the Commodity Name column of the annexure depending on the number of accounting ledgers with commodity details that were selected in the transaction.
This issue is resolved.
● The value displayed in the column 57. Information on use of invoices for the tax period of Form VAT 201 was wrong when a discount ledger selected in the sales invoice was created by setting the option Include in assessable value calculation for to Not applicable. However, the value was displayed correctly in the Form VAT 201 report. This issue is resolved.
● When data was exported to CST Form I template, only 10 rows were updated in Annexure F although more than 10 transactions were recorded for the period. This continued even after manually adding the rows to Annexure F in the template. This issue is resolved.
● When data was migrated from Release 4.93 to 5.x, the dispatch details of the transporter recorded in the interstate purchase transaction were not getting migrated. Hence, when the data was exported to Form VAT 201 these details were not posted to Annexure G. This issue is resolved.
● The following fields in Form VAT 201 were appearing blank in the excel template after exporting data:
o 06. Purchase of goods exempt from tax
o 10. Purchase of Schedule 'C' goods
o 8(iv) Purchase value of MRP goods at actual purchase price
o 9A(iv) Purchase value of MRP goods at actual purchase price
o 37) Sale of goods on which tax has been paid on maximum retail price (actual sale value) (i) at 5% tax rate.
o 37) Sale of goods on which tax has been paid on maximum retail price (actual sale value) (II) at 14.5% tax rate.
This issue is resolved.
● The Serial No. field was displaying 0 instead of blank in the printed copy of Form VAT C4 Issuable and Form VAT C4 Receivable. This issue is resolved.
● The Surcharge VAT rate recorded in the ledger master was not displayed in the Rate of Tax column of annexure LP3B. Only the tax rate was being considered and surcharge was not included while generating the annexure. This issue is resolved.
● Tax rate and surcharge details were being displayed in the Rate of Tax column in the annexure LP7D although Tax type was configured as Exempt in item master. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed while opening and closing the Form VAT R1. This issue is resolved.
● When the tax amount in a voucher was rounded off by selecting Normal Rounding as the rounding method in the VAT tax ledger, the VAT amount for this transaction was displayed with decimal values in the Form VAT R1 report. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed while opening and while drilling down to annexures in Form VAT R1 report. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed while drilling down to display the voucher list of any annexure from Form VAT R1. This issue is resolved.
● While importing annexure LS10A to utility tool, an error occurred when:
o A credit note recorded against sales made to unregistered dealer with Sales Exempt as the Nature of transaction was captured in the annexure LS10A with Nature of Sale as Any other sale made in the state (Local Sales - Others).
This issue is resolved.
● The Rate of Tax column in the annexure LP3B was displaying 0% for a taxable interstate purchase transaction. This issue is resolved.
● In Annexure A, the calculation of input tax paid and claimed in the tax period for revised rates 5.5% and 14.5% is supported.
● An error was displayed while validating the form CST-1, when the amount entered in the form had commas. This issue is resolved.
● Exporting of VAT Form 15 was slow when the reporting period was changed to the beginning of the financial year to the current date by leaving both From and To date fields blank in the Change Period screen. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed on drill down to display the voucher list and error types of any annexure from VAT Form 15. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed while exporting of VAT Form 15 and opening of the template after export. This issue is resolved.
● The value exported to the column Turnover of sale in own a/c other than in column-I of Form VAT 24 was incorrect. This issue is resolved.
● When an adjustment transaction was recorded for claiming ITC on URD purchase after recording the tax stat payment transaction, the purchase tax amount was not appearing in the field iv. ITC carried forward to the next tax period, if any in the printed and exported outputs of Form VAT 24. This issue is resolved.
● When two items with same tax rate but different commodity name were selected in a sales transaction, the value of both items was consolidated and displayed against a single commodity in the column 10. Computation of tax on sale in printed format of Form VAT 24. This issue is resolved.
● The value exported to field 14(iv) ITC carried forward to next period,if any in Form VAT 24 template was incorrect when CST payable in the period was adjusted with the VAT refundable amount. However, the Total VAT Refundable amount was appearing correctly in the Form VAT 24 report. This issue is resolved.
● The value from transactions recorded with Purchase Exempt as the Nature of transaction was not appearing in the Exempted purchases column of the Purchase Annexure report. But it was incorrectly appearing in the Net Taxable Value(Rs.) column. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed while opening the Form 231. This issue is resolved.
● In the purchase annexure, exempt purchase transactions with Interstate Purchase Exempt as the Nature of transaction will be captured against the transaction code 70. Return transaction against this purchase will be captured against the transaction code 71, and the return transaction for change in consideration and discount will be captured against the transaction code 72.
● Slow performance was observed while opening of the Form VAT 100. This issue is resolved.
● When the tax amount in a voucher was rounded off by selecting Normal Rounding as the rounding method in the VAT tax ledger, the VAT amount for this transaction was displayed with decimal values in the Form VAT 100 report. This issue is resolved.
● When the Print Language was changed to Kannada, the following issues were observed while printing a sales invoice:
o The field e-Sugam No. was not printed.
o The option Print E-sugan No.? was not appearing in the Invoice Print Configuration screen.
o The tax analysis information was not printed although the option Print Tax Analysis of Items? was enabled in the Invoice Print Configuration screen.
This issue is resolved.
● Sales transactions recorded in the accounting invoice mode with e-Sugam Number and value greater than Rs. 25000 were not appearing in the e-Sugam Vouchers report. This issue is resolved.
● When the tax amount in a voucher was rounded off by selecting Normal Rounding as the rounding method in the VAT tax ledger, the VAT amount for this transaction was displayed with decimal values in the Form VAT 10 report. This issue is resolved.
● The Annexure-8 screen displayed on drill down from the column Vouchers without exceptions in the e-VAT Annexures screen was blank. This issue is resolved.
● The Rule 11 Serial No was changing when an excise sales invoice containing an item with TCS enabled, and a TCS tax ledger was altered and re-accepted. This issue is resolved.
● Slow performance was observed while printing an excise sales invoice with more than 15 items. This issue is resolved.
● The VAT assessable value was not appearing in brackets beside the VAT ledger name in the printed copy of an excise sales invoice. This issue is resolved.
● The value of the basic excise duty ledger in an adjustment journal voucher was negative after synchronization when the transaction was recorded with the following conditions:
o The basic excise duty ledger was credited and custom duty ledger was debited in the journal voucher.
o The basic excise duty ledger was created by selecting CENVAT as the Type of duty/tax and Basic Excise Duty as the Duty Head, and customer duty ledger was created by selecting Others as the Type of duty/tax.
o Availment of CENVAT Credit (Inputs) was selected as the Nature of adjustment and Importer was selected as the Nature of Purchase in the journal voucher.
This issue is resolved.
● The assessable value and excise duty amount from the supplementary invoice recorded for change in the stock item rate were not appearing in the printed copy of Form ER 1. This issue is resolved.
● The CENVAT credit from purchase of capital goods that was adjusted against liability for the same month was displayed as Opening Balance of Duty in Credit in the Form RG 23 C Part II report of subsequent period. This issue is resolved.
● The contact numbers of supplier were appearing in the Despatch To column in the print preview of the excise purchase order. This issue is resolved.
● The secondary address selected in the field Additional Company Address to Print while printing a non-excise sales invoice was not appearing in the printed copy. This was occurring only for companies where the Registration type in the Excise Registration Details screen was selected as Dealer or Importer. This issue is resolved.
● The details in the printed copy of rule 11 invoice was aligned incorrectly when the option Print Multi Page Excise Invoice? was enabled while printing. This issue is resolved.
● When data was migrated from Release 4.93 to 5.x the following issues were observed in the Sales Bill wise report of Form RG 23D:
o Excise Duty amount was appearing doubled in both the RECEIPT and ISSUE sections
o Amount in words was incorrect when the option Show Separate Special Excise Duty Column? was enabled in Configuration screen of the report.
This issue is resolved.
● While printing a non-excise sales invoice, the secondary address was not printing. This occurred if Alt+T was pressed to select the secondary address under the option Company Address to Print: in the Control on Report Titles screen. This issue is resolved.
● The VAT TIN of the customer appearing in the TIN/Sales Tax No. field in Party Details screen of excise sales invoice was removed on pressing Enter to go to next option. This was occurring when multiple addresses were configured for the party with, different TIN for each address. This issue is resolved.
● The details in the print out of the excise sales invoice were aligned incorrectly when the option Print Prepared/Verified initials? was enabled under Advanced Sales Configuration, while printing the invoice. This issue is resolved.
● The names of suppliers were not displayed in the Supplier/Invoice Number/Date field of Supplier Details screen of the credit note, to select the supplier reference for the quantity returned. This issue is resolved.
● The error message Out of Memory was displayed while exporting Excise Closing Stock report in XML format. This was occurring in case of a company where;
o Data was split into different financial years.
o Data contained a huge volume of transactions in the selected period.
This issue is resolved.
● The field 6. Income under head ‘Salaries’ of the Employee other than from perquisites was appearing blank in Form 12BA. This issue is resolved.
● A TDS report – Ledgers without PAN is provided to display the list of party ledgers that do not have PAN details.
● While altering a voucher, when the voucher date was altered (by pressing F2), the due date in the Bill-wise Details screen was not captured based on the altered voucher date. This issue is resolved.
● In the Ledger Voucher Outstanding and Bill Outstanding reports, the Overdue by days column was displaying negative values. This was occurring when a multi-currency bill was fully settled, resulting in a forex gain/loss. This issue is resolved.
● While altering a physical stock voucher, the values in the Amount and Quantity columns were not displayed when the option Maintain batch-wise details? was enabled in F11: Inventory Features and the option Maintain in batches? was disabled in the stock item master. This issue is resolved.
● While printing a manufacturing journal, the part number and its alias details were not getting printed. This occurred when the print method Part No. Alias (Part No.) was selected under the option Method to use for Stock Item Name in the Stock Journal Print Configure screen. This issue is resolved.
● When a large number of tracking numbers and batches are present in the data, drilling down from any line item in the Stock Summary report was slow. This issue is resolved.
● While recording a sales invoice, the reference number provided in the field Ref. was not allocated in the Bill-wise Details screen when
o The option Use default for bill allocation? was enabled in the F12: Configure.
o The option Use voucher no. as bill ref. no. for bill allocation? was disabled in F12: Configure.
This issue is resolved.
● In the Item Allocation screen of an inventory transaction, if the Amount was edited to round off the decimal places or for any other reason, the same was not being retained on accepting the screen as it was getting refreshed based on the item quantity and rate. This issue is resolved.
● On remote access, while printing a purchase/sales invoice from the Daybook report, the party contact details were not getting printed. This issue is resolved.
● While printing a manufacturing journal, the part number and its alias details were not getting printed. This occurred when the print method Part No. Alias (Part No.) was selected under the option Method to use for Stock Item Name in the Stock Journal Print Configure screen. This issue is resolved.
● On remote access, while printing a purchase/sales invoice from the Daybook report, the party contact details were not getting printed. This issue is resolved.
● When you print a delivery note in create mode using productivity suite, and if the function TplLine was used, the line number was not getting printed. This issue is resolved.
● The product is enhanced to log failed responses with appropriate HTTP status code when sending a request from Tally.ERP 9 through TDL. Earlier, only success responses with HTTP status codes of series 2xx in tallyhttp.log were logged.
● The error message Memory Access Violation was displayed when masters and vouchers with credit period were imported in the SDF format. This issue is resolved.
● The error message Memory Access Violation was displayed in the Voucher Configuration screen when
o the option Show Bill-wise details? was enabled, and the voucher date was altered in the voucher alteration mode by pressing F2 and
o the option Show Bill-wise details? was disabled and then enabled again.
This issue is resolved.
● An error message was displayed when a stock journal voucher was added (by pressing Alt+A or Alt+I) in the Inventory Reports, in a month where no vouchers existed. This issue is resolved.
● Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.5.2 and earlier could not recognise later versions of Tally Gateway Server. This issue is resolved.
Now, Tally.ERP 9 can recognise release 5.x and above versions of the Tally Gateway Server.