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Recording Excise Journal Voucher (Excise for Dealer)

You can account for loss or damage of goods in excise journal voucher.

To record a journal voucher for loss or damage of goods

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal.

2.    Click J: Stat Adjustment button. The Stat Adjustment Details screen is displayed.

3.    Select the Type of Duty/Tax as Excise.

4.    Select the Tax Unit from the list.

5.    Select the Nature of Adjustment as Shortage/Damage/Loss of Excise Stock.

6.    Debit the ledger grouped under Direct Expenses (the option Is Excise Applicable should be set to Not Applicable in the ledger master) and enter the amount.

7.    Credit the purchase ledger to reverse the purchase cost.

8.    Press Enter to view Inventory Allocations screen. In the Inventory Allocations screen, select the name of the item and press Enter to view the Supplier Details screen and provide the details.

9.    Provide details in Stock Item Allocations screen and accept the screen. The item details are displayed in Inventory Allocations screen.

10.  Accept the journal voucher.