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What’s New in Release 5.5.2

On this page

Action - Browse URL

Attribute - SysInfo

Attribute – Data Source

This page includes information on all the important TDL improvements made in Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.5.2.

Watch the below video to know about Procedural Capabilities.

Language Enhancements in Procedures (TDL)

Action – Browse URL

The action Browse URL is enhanced to accept a logical value as an optional fourth parameter to open the URL in Admin mode.


Action: Browse URL: <URL Formula>: [<Command Line Parameters>:<Logical Expression1>: <Logical Expression2>]


< URL Formula > is an expression which evaluates to a link to a website or a folder path.

< Command Line Parameters > is the list of command line parameters separated by space. It is an optional parameter.

< Logical Expression1 > can be any expression which evaluates to a logical value. When this parameter is set to yes, it executes the given action in hidden mode. It is an optional parameter.

< Logical Expression2 > can be any expression which evaluates to a logical value. When this parameter is set to yes, it executes the action in admin mode. It is an optional parameter.

Function – SysInfo

The function SysInfo is enhanced to get the file name of the current application with the folder path.



If the application path is C:\Tally.ERP 9 , it returns C:\Tally.ERP 9\tally.exe .

Attribute – Data Source

The collection attribute Data Source is used to populate data to a collection dynamically from a variety of data sources. This attribute accepts the Type and Identity of the data source from where the data is to be retrieved. Directory , File XML , Name Set, and so on, are some of the data sources supported in TDL.

The collection attribute Data Source is enhanced to support Rule Set , Num Set , and Flag Set as new data source types. This attribute helps the developer to gather the data pertaining to Rule Set , Num Set , or Flag Set like other data source types. The information of Num Set and Flag Set give same results except for the value. The value of Num Set is a number and value of Flag Set is logical. These data sources can be used for generating reports using Value and User Description methods. Otherwise these can act as a debugging aid for the developer.


[Collection: <Collection Name>]

Data Source: <Type>: <Identity>


<Collection Name> is the name of the collection where the data is populated.

<Type> specifies the type of data source. This enhancement includes Rule Set , Num Set and Flag Set as data source types.

<Identity> is the name of the Rule Set/Num Set/Flag Set. It can be an expression which results to the name of Num Set/Flag Set as specified in the corresponding data type.


[Collection: DataSourceFSRepo]

Data Source: Flag Set: #FSDSVariable

The above code snippet helps to populate the collection DataSourceFSRepo with the data from the variable FSDSVariable , which returns a Flag Set name.

Data Source Type




Rule Set

Rule Set

Name of the Rule Set definition

[Collection: DSRepo]

Data Source: Rule Set: DSRuleSet

Flag Set

Flag Set

Expression evaluating to the value of Flag Set data type

[Collection: DSRepo]

Data Source: Flag Set: $FlagSetValue


Data Source:Flag Set: ##FlagSetValue

Num Set

Num Set

Expression evaluating to the value of Num Set data type

[Collection: DSRepo]

Data Source: Num Set: $NumSetValue OR

Data Source:Num Set:##NumSetValue

You can refer the below table to know more about this enhancement:

The list of methods used in Rule Set / Flag Set / Num Set as data source is listed below:

Method Name


Method Value - Sample


Rule Name which includes the complete doted notation


Additional Name/Formal Name

Leaf Rule Name



Current Rule Set Name



Value for individual flag or number i.e., Logical for Flag Set and Number for Num Set. It is not applicable for Rule Set.

Logical - Yes

Number - 1

Sort Position

Index of the flag or number within the Flag Set and Num Set


Is Aggregate

IsAggregate flag for Rule Set, Num Set and Flag Set



Level or Depth of Rule Set, Num Set and Flag Set


User Description

Rule Set, Num Set and Flag Set description from corresponding Name Set
