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What’s New in Release 5.3

On this page

Attribute – Confirm Text/Query Text

Action – Exec Excel Macro

This page includes information on all the important TDL improvements made in Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.3.

Attribute – Confirm Text/Query Text

The Form level attribute Confirm Text/Query Text is used to modify the text displayed in the confirmation window.


Confirm Text : <String Expression>


Query Text : <String Expression>


< String Expression > is the text displayed in the confirmation window.


[Form: SmpConfirmText]

Part         : SmpConfirmText

Confirm Text : "Save?"

In the above example, when the form SmpConfirmText is accepted, the query text Save? is displayed instead of the default text Accept?.

Action – Exec Excel Macro

The action Exec Excel Macro invokes the available macros defined in the Excel.


Exec Excel Macro : <Macro Name> [:<Parameter list>]


< Macro Name > is the name of the macro.

< Parameter list > can be n number of parameters that correspond to the parameters required by the Excel macro.


On : After Export : Yes : Exec Excel Macro : MacrotoComputeGraphs : PieChart

In the above example, when the macro MacrotoComputeGraphs is executed, it displays the values in the Excel as a pie chart.