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Case Study II - Creation and Alteration of Vouchers through VB

A Company Global Enterprises needs to design an interface for entering their receipt vouchers and altering the same, if required. At the end of Voucher Entry, the same needs to be posted to Tally.ERP 9.

The following interface has been designed for Receipt Voucher Entry. A Company Global Enterprises needs to design an interface for entering their receipt vouchers and altering the same, if required. At the end of Voucher Entry, the same needs to be posted to Tally.ERP 9.

The following interface has been designed for Receipt Voucher Entry.

On hitting Option Create, it enters a new form designed for Receipt Creation as shown below.

The Masters created in Tally.ERP 9 are collected and being displayed for selection by the user. Collections pertaining to Cash or Bank Ledgers and Party Ledgers have been written in a TDL File which must be associated before executing this VB code.

On hitting POST Button, XML fragment get generated and the same is being posted to Tally.ERP 9 running in a predefined port.

The VB Code for the same is:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim ComboString1 As String

Dim ComboString2 As String

Dim ComboString3 As String

Dim ComboString11 As String

Dim ComboString21 As String

Dim ComboString31 As String

ComboString11 = Combo1.Text

ComboString21 = Combo2.Text

ComboString31 = Text5.Text

ComboString1 = Combo1.Text

ComboString2 = Combo2.Text

ComboString3 = Text5.Text

If Combo1.Text = "" Or Combo2.Text = "" _ Or Text1.Text = "" Or Text4.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Enters All The information", _

vbApplicationModal, "Voucher Creation"


date2 = Format(Text1.Text, "dd/mm/yyyy") Temp = Str$(Text4.Text * -1)

If InStrRev(ComboString11, "&") Then ComboString1 = Replace(ComboString11, "&", "" & "")

End If

If InStrRev(ComboString21, "&") Then ComboString2 = Replace(ComboString21, "&", "" & "")

End If

If InStrRev(ComboString31, "&") Then ComboString3 = Replace(ComboString31, "&", "" & "")

End If

xmlstc = "<ENVELOPE>" + vbCrLf & _ "<HEADER>" + vbCrLf & _

"<VERSION>1</VERSION>" + vbCrLf & _ "<TALLYREQUEST>Import</TALLYREQUEST>" + vbCrLf & _ "<TYPE>Data</TYPE>" + vbCrLf & _ "<ID>Vouchers</ID>" + vbCrLf & _

"</HEADER>" + vbCrLf & _ "<BODY>" + vbCrLf & _

"<DESC>" + vbCrLf & _ "</DESC>" + vbCrLf & _ "<DATA>" + vbCrLf & _

"<TALLYMESSAGE >" + vbCrLf & _

"<VOUCHER VCHTYPE=""Receipt"" ACTION=""Create"">" + vbCrLf& _ "<DATE>" + date2 + "</DATE>" + vbCrLf & _

"<NARRATION>" + ComboString3 + "</NARRATION>" + vbCrLf & _ "<VOUCHERTYPENAME>Receipt</VOUCHERTYPENAME>" + vbCrLf & _ "<EFFECTIVEDATE>" + date2 + "</EFFECTIVEDATE>" + vbCrLf & _


"<LEDGERNAME>" + ComboString2 + "</LEDGERNAME>" + vbCrLf & _

"<AMOUNT>" + Text4.Text + "</AMOUNT>" + vbCrLf & _ "</ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST>" + vbCrLf & _ "<ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST>" + vbCrLf

xmlstc = xmlstc + "<LEDGERNAME>" + ComboString1 + "</LEDGERNAME>" + vbCrLf & _ "<ISDEEMEDPOSITIVE>Yes</ISDEEMEDPOSITIVE>" + vbCrLf & _ "<AMOUNT>" + Temp + "</AMOUNT>" + vbCrLf & _ "</ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST>" + vbCrLf & _

"</VOUCHER>" + vbCrLf & _ "</TALLYMESSAGE>" + vbCrLf & _ "</DATA>" + vbCrLf & _

"</BODY>" + vbCrLf & "</ENVELOPE>" ServerHTTP.Open "POST", "http://localhost:" + PortNumber ServerHTTP.send xmlstc

' Response from Tally - ServerHTTP.responseText responsstr = ServerHTTP.responseText

newstring = InStrRev(responsstr, "<LINEERROR>") If newstring = 0 Then]

XMLDOM.loadXML (responsstr)

MsgBox "Response String " + responsstr Set CHILDNODE = _


CHILDNODE(0).Text, ,"Voucher Creation"


MsgBox "Failed to POST"

End If

responsestr = ServerHTTP.responseText Text4.Text = ""

Text5.Text = ""

End If

End Sub

Similar to Master Import, the following VB Code snippet sends the above generated XML Data to Tally.ERP 9 which is running at a predefined port.

ServerHTTP.Open "POST", "http://localhost:" + PortNumber 'for example: http://localhost:9000

ServerHTTP.send xmlstc

On creating Vouchers in Tally.ERP 9, it sends the Response is parsed and Master ID is displayed as shown above.

The above Screen displays the Receipt Entry created from the external Interface.

The above Interface is designed for Receipt Alteration based on Master ID of all the Vouchers. It lists the Master IDs of all the Receipt Vouchers in the List Box. On selection of a Master ID, it extracts all the Info pertaining to the selected Voucher as shown in the next figure.

The above Interface displays the details of the Voucher pertaining to the selected Master ID. Only Alteration of Amount and Narration have been allowed in the external interface alteration.

Amount has been altered from 12000 to 12600. On hitting Alter, XML Fragment will be generated and sent to Tally running at a predefined port.

XML generated for Altering the above is:

Private Sub Command1_Click ()

Dim ComboString1 As String

Dim ComboString2 As String

Dim ComboString3 As String

Dim ComboString11 As String

Dim ComboString21 As String

Dim ComboString31 As String

ComboString11 = Text2.Text

ComboString21 = Text3.Text

ComboString31 = Text5.Text

ComboString1 = Text2.Text

ComboString2 = Text3.Text

ComboString3 = Text5.Text

If InStrRev(ComboString11, "&") Then

ComboString1 = Replace(ComboString11, "&", "" & "")

End If

If InStrRev(ComboString21, "&") Then

ComboString2 = Replace(ComboString21, "&", "" & "")

End If

If InStrRev(ComboString31, "&") Then

ComboString3 = Replace(ComboString31, "&", "" & "")

End If

date2 = Format(Text1.Text, "dd-mmm-yyyy") If Text4.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter some value") Text4.SetFocus


Temp = Str$(Text4.Text * -1) xmlstc = _

"<ENVELOPE>" + vbCrLf & _ "<HEADER>" + vbCrLf & _ "<VERSION>1</VERSION>" & _

"<TALLYREQUEST>Import</TALLYREQUEST>" + vbCrLf & _ "<TYPE>Data</TYPE>" + vbCrLf & _ "<ID>Vouchers</ID>" + vbCrLf & _

"</HEADER>" + vbCrLf & _ "<BODY>" + vbCrLf & _ "<DESC>" + vbCrLf & _ "</DESC>" + vbCrLf & _ "<DATA>" + vbCrLf & _

"<TALLYMESSAGE>" + vbCrLf & _

"<VOUCHER DATE=" + """" + date2 + """" + "TAGNAME=""MASTER ID"" TAGVALUE=" + """" + List1.Text + """" + " ACTION=""Alter"" VCHTYPE = ""Receipt"">" + vbCrLf & _

xmlstc = xmlstc & _ "<ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST>" + vbCrLf & _

"<LEDGERNAME>" + ComboString2 + "</LEDGERNAME>" + vbCrLf & _ "<AMOUNT>" + Text4.Text + "</AMOUNT>" + vbCrLf & _ "</ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST>" + vbCrLf & _ "<ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST>" + vbCrLf & _

"<LEDGERNAME>" + ComboString1 + "</LEDGERNAME>" + vbCrLf & _ "<ISDEEMEDPOSITIVE>Yes</ISDEEMEDPOSITIVE>" + vbCrLf & _ "<AMOUNT>" + Temp + "</AMOUNT>" + vbCrLf & _ "</ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST>" + vbCrLf & _

"<NARRATION>" + ComboString3 + "</NARRATION>" + vbCrLf & _ "</VOUCHER>" + vbCrLf & _

"</TALLYMESSAGE>" + vbCrLf & _ "</DATA>" + vbCrLf & _ "</BODY>" + vbCrLf & _ "</ENVELOPE>"

ServerHTTP.Open "POST", "http://localhost:" + PortNumber ServerHTTP.send xmlstc

responsstr = ServerHTTP.responseText

newstring = InStrRev(responsstr, "<LINEERROR>") If newstring = 0 Then

MsgBox "Save Successful", vbOKOnly, "Voucher : "


MsgBox responsstr MsgBox "Failed to POST"

End If

Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = ""

Text3.Text = ""

Text4.Text = ""

Text5.Text = ""

Text6.Text = ""

Text7.Text = ""

End If

End Sub

On executing the above code, the Tally Voucher containing the above selected Master ID gets altered with the given Amount and Narration details.

The above Tally.ERP 9 Screen displays the Voucher which has been altered from an external interface application.