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Writing Regular Expressions

A regular expression is a precise pattern that provides a very efficient way to specify and recognize strings of text. A combination of various characters along with the text to be searched for generates a regular expression.

Tally.Developer 9 uses regular expression to search for text based on specified patterns. These patterns are a combination of special characters and the text that needs to be searched for.

Some examples are given in the table below:





Used to match the start of a line


This expression will search for all lines that start with Local


Used to match the end of a line


This expression will search for all lines that end with Tally


Used to match or replace a Single Character


This expression will search for all terms which start with F, have one character in the middle and end with rm


Searches for zero or more occurrences of the preceding character


This expression will search for Lcal, Local, Loocal, Looocal...


Searches for one or more occurrences of the preceding character


This expression will search for all terms Local, Loocal, Looocal.....


Used to search for a character which otherwise may have another meaning


This expression will search for locations where '[' is present.


Used to match the start of a word


This expression will search for all terms that begin with Ad


Used to match the end of a word


This expression is used for all terms that end with ed


Used to denote the start of a region for tagging a match


Used to denote the end of a region for tagging a match


Denotes a set of possible character matches


It will search for terms with characters between a to z


Used to indicate complement of a set of characters


lt will not search for terms with characters between a to d


Used to match a digit


It will search for terms with a combination of text and numbers like Tally1, Tally512


Used to match a white space character


It will search for terms with Tally and a line feed character after it like space or tab

Combination of Characters

To make a search more refined, we use a combination of characters. Any of the characters given above can be used in conjunction with each other to get a thoroughly enhanced output. Given below are a few examples to explain how this can be done.

Regular Expression



This will search for terms which start at the beginning of the line and consist of Tallya, Tallyb or Tallyc.


This will search for terms which have zero or more occurrences of l between a and y and any digits after the text.


This will search for lines containing only a single character.


This will search for any term which has a P OR Pa at the beginning of the line.

From the above examples we can see that regular expression is the term used to describe a codified method of searching which enables fast and responsive searches.