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Tally.ERP 9 SDK

Tally.ERP 9 SDK includes support files for building extensions to Tally.ERP 9. The SDK is available for download with every release of Tally.ERP 9, including the updates for the corresponding release. You need to install it in the corresponding Tally.ERP 9 folder.

Tally.ERP 9 SDK includes the following files:






tdlserver.dll and tdlserver64.dll

The tdlserver.dll (32-bit) and tdlserver64.dll (64-bit) have the default TDL code for the corresponding Tally.ERP 9 release. By loading this you can view the Default TDL code of the respective Tally.ERP 9 release, and build solutions accordingly.

Tally.Developer 9 allows you to load the Default TDL project of any Tally.ERP 9 release, one at a time. Tally.Developer 9 displays the loaded Default TDL in the project browser, along with the release information. You can use the SDK of earlier or later versions of Tally.ERP 9, as required.

To load any version of Tally.ERP 9 Default TDL

1. Start Tally.Developer 9 .

2. Go to Tools > Preferences .

3. Click Compiler/Execution Options .

4. In Tally.ERP 9 Exe Path, select tally.exe from the folder where the corresponding SDK is installed. Ensure that tdlserver.dll or tdlserver64.dll in Tally.ERP 9 Exe Path has the same bitness as Tally.Developer 9.

Note: The file tdlserver64.dll is available in SDK installer Release 5.5.3, and later.

5. Select the option Load Default / Base TDL Reference from Tally.ERP 9 exe path . The Default TDL code for the specified Tally.ERP 9 release is loaded.


The tdlserver.DDIF is the metadata file of the corresponding Tally.ERP 9 release. The DDIF file is used to compare the metadata of the default TDL code of two releases, and helps in the migration of customisations to the required release.

To understand the usage of metadata, refer version compatibility check .


TallyBase.DCI contains the base strings used in the corresponding Tally.ERP 9 release. You can use this to make changes to the language with the help of the Dictionary Manager tool.


The Resources folder contains the layout of statutory forms used for printing reports in Tally.ERP 9.  You can use these resources as a reference to build custom solutions .