This topic lists the editor keys and other menu keys used in Tally.Developer 9.
Short Cut Keys |
Functionality |
Up |
To scroll the cursor up by a line |
Down |
To scroll the cursor down by a line |
Left Arrow |
To scroll the cursor left by a character |
Right Arrow |
To scroll the cursor right by a character |
Home |
To move the cursor to the beginning of the current line |
End |
To move the cursor to the end of the current line |
PageUp |
To move the cursor one page up at a time |
PageDown |
To move the cursor one page down at a time |
Insert |
To select the edit mode or override mode in editor window |
Delete |
To clear the next character from the cursor location or to clear the selected text |
Esc |
To come out of a dialog box, similar to the option 'cancel' |
Back Space |
To delete one character back from the current location |
Tab |
To leave one tab space from the current location |
Enter |
To start a fresh line |
Shift + Down |
To select a line downwards from the cursor position |
Shift + Up |
To select a line upwards from the cursor position |
Shift + Left Arrow |
To select a character left of the cursor position |
Shift + Right Arrow |
To select a character to the right of the cursor position |
Shift + Home |
To select the text from the cursor location to the starting point of the line |
Shift + End |
To select the text from the cursor location to the ending point of the line |
Shift + PageUp |
To select one page up from the cursor location |
Shift + PageDown |
To select one page down from the cursor location |
Shift + Insert |
To paste the content from clipboard |
Shift + Delete |
To cut the selected text |
Shift + Back Space |
To delete one character back from the current location |
Shift + Tab |
To move the cursor one tab back from the current location |
Shift + Enter |
To start a fresh line |
Ctrl + <Mouse Click> |
To copy contents from multiple locations or to paste the selected contents at multiple locations |
Ctrl + Down |
To scroll the page one line down at a time |
Ctrl + Up |
To scroll the page one line up at a time |
Ctrl + Left Arrow |
To move the cursor a word left |
Ctrl + Right Arrow |
To move the cursor a word right |
Ctrl + Home |
To move the cursor at the beginning of the file |
Ctrl + End |
To move the cursor at the end of the file |
Ctrl + Insert |
To copy the selection |
Ctrl + Delete |
To delete a word right from the cursor location |
Ctrl + L |
To cut the current line |
Ctrl + T |
Toggles current line with the line above it |
Ctrl + Back Space |
To delete one word back from the current location |
Ctrl + ] |
To point cursor to the next definition in a file |
Ctrl + [ |
To point cursor to the previous definition in a file |
Alt + Home |
To point the cursor at the beginning of the line |
Alt + End |
To point the cursor to the end of the line |
Alt + Back Space |
Undo |
Alt + Shift + Down |
To move one line down during column selection |
Alt + Shift + Up |
To move one line up during column selection |
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow |
To move one character left during column selection |
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow |
To move one character right during column selection |
Alt + Shift + Home |
To extend the rectangular selection to the starting of the line |
Alt + Shift + End |
To extend the rectangular selection to the end of the line |
Alt + Shift + PageUp |
To select one page up from the current location during column selection |
Alt + Shift + PageDown |
To select one page down from the cursor location during column selection |
Ctrl + Shift + [ |
To select one paragraph up |
Ctrl + Shift + ] |
To select one paragraph down |
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow |
To select a word from the left |
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow |
To select a word from the right |
Ctrl + Shift + Home |
To select the text from the cursor location to the beginning of the file |
Ctrl + Shift + End |
To select the text from the cursor position to end of the file |
Ctrl + Shift + Delete |
To delete the line right from the current location |
Ctrl + Shift + Back Space |
To delete the line left from the current location |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
To delete the current line |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
To copy the current line |
Ctrl + Shift + '+' |
To zoom in to the Editor Window |
Ctrl + Shift + '-' |
To zoom out of the Editor Window |
Ctrl + F2 |
To add bookmarks along required lines in the Editor |
Shift + F2 |
To navigate to the Previous bookmark |
F2 |
To navigate to the Next bookmark |
Short Cut Keys |
Functionality |
Del |
Delete |
F1 |
To get the Help Manual |
F3 |
To find the next occurrence in the current file |
F4 |
To find and replace the next search result |
F7 |
To compile a file |
F9 |
To build the current project |
Shift + F3 |
To go back to the previous search result |
Shift + F4 |
To find and replace the previous search result |
Alt + P |
To directly jump to any other File |
Alt + 1 |
To hide Explorer window |
Alt + 2 |
To hide Output window |
Ctrl + N |
To create a new TDL file |
Ctrl + O |
To open an existing TDL file |
Ctrl + S |
To save a file or a project |
Ctrl + Z |
Undo |
Ctrl + Y |
Redo |
Ctrl + A |
Select all |
Ctrl + X |
Cut |
Ctrl + C |
Copy |
Ctrl + V |
Paste |
Ctrl + E |
Execute OS Command |
Ctrl + F |
To find a text in the current file |
Ctrl + D |
To locate the given text in all the files |
Ctrl + G |
Move to a Line number |
Ctrl + H |
To find and replace a text with a new text |
Ctrl + J |
To directly Jump to any Definition |
Ctrl + 1 |
To go to Project Explorer |
Ctrl + 2 |
To go to Output Window |
Ctrl + 3 |
To go to Edit Pane |
Ctrl + 4 |
To go to Definition Explorer |
Ctrl + 5 |
To go to Schema Explorer |
Ctrl + 6 |
To go to Build Window |
Ctrl + 7 |
To go to Search Window |
Ctrl + 8 |
To go to Function Browser |
Ctrl + 9 |
To go to Action Browser |
Ctrl + F3 |
To move to the next search location |
Ctrl + F7 |
To compile a project |
Ctrl + Dot |
To move to the original description from a reference or modifier |
Ctrl + Plus |
To expand the pointed definition |
Ctrl + Minus |
To collapse the pointed definition |
Ctrl + / |
To show all the references for the current description |
Ctrl + PgUp |
To jump to previous location |
Ctrl + PgDn |
To jump to subsequent location |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
To create a new project |
Ctrl + Shift + O |
To open an existing project |
Ctrl + Shift + C |
To comment one or more lines |
Ctrl + Shift + U |
To uncomment one or more commented lines |
Ctrl + Shift + F3 |
To move to the previous search location |
Ctrl + Shift+ / |
To show all the modifiers for the current description |
Ctrl + Alt + Q |
To exit from Tally Developer |
Ctrl + Alt + A |
To open the Attribute References Search Dialog |
Ctrl + Alt + D |
To open the Definition References Search Dialog |