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What’s New in Release 1.61

Narrowing T a ble Search

The current search capability on a Table allows the user to highlight a particular set of items based on the search text entered in the field. The text is searched from the beginning of the item names in the list and is applicable to the first column only.

In a scenario where there are large number of items in the list/table, it is impossible for the user to remember the starting characters of the item names. He may remember only a part of the item name which he requires to search. Even after the relevant items are searched and highlighted, all the items are displayed, which is not required.

The latest enhancement in TDL allows the user to search a text from any part of the item name which appears in the list. The table keeps on narrowing down and displaying only those items which fulfil the search criteria. It is also possible now to specify whether the search criteria should be applicable on first column or all columns of the table.

Field Attrib u t e – T abl e Search

A new field attribute called ‘Table Search’ has been introduced to achieve the above capability.


[Field : <Field name>]

Table S earch : <Enable reducing table search> : <Apply search to all columns>


<Enable reduc i ng t a ble search> is a logica l valu e (YES/NO) , to specify whether we w an t to en a ble t h e red u cing of search or no t .

<Apply search to a ll col u mns> is a logical value (YES/NO), to sp e cify whe t her t h e s earch criteria should apply to all columns of the t able or n ot.

Note: We can also use expressions in attribute values which evaluate to logical values.

Function - $$TableNumItems

A new function $ $Ta b leNumItems has been introduced which returns the n u mber of items in the list/table.


[Collection : RTS L e dger]

Type : Ledger

Format : $Name

Format : $Parent

Format : $Closi n gBalan c e

[Field : R educing Tab l e S e arch GT 1 00]

Use : Name Field

Table : RTS L edger

Show Table : Alwa y s

Table Search : $$Ta b leNumI t ems > 1 00 : Y e s

In this example, the field ‘Reducing Table Search GT 100’ is displaying the table ‘RTS Ledger’, which has three columns ‘Name’, ’Parent’ and ‘Closing Balance’. The attribute ‘Table Search’ evaluates the first value to YES, only when the number of items in the table exceeds 100, i.e., reducing search will be enabled if this criteria is met. The second attribute value is set to YES, i.e., the search criteria will apply to all columns in the table.

Functionality Ac h ieved

Using the above capability, it has been possible to deliver the functionality of applying the above search technique to all the tables available in the default product. This will of course be based on the configuration settings selected by the user.

Use Cases

1. Company search based on the Company ID.

2. Ledger search based on parent Group name available in other column in a table.

3. While selecting the Stock item Name in a voucher, the user can now narrow the search, based on the UOM and make his selection of item based on the closing balance available for that UOM.