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Installing Tally.Developer 9

You can install Tally.Developer 9 from the downloads page on the Tally website. Alternatively, you can install the application using the CD installer.

Tally.Developer 9 is compatible with Windows XP SP2 or higher versions of the Windows operating system (including Windows 10).

To install Tally.Developer 9

1. Double-click the installer icon to open the Tally.Developer 9 Installer .

2. Select the required Installation folder path, if you do not want to install Tally.Developer 9 at the location selected by default.

3. Click Check Latest to check if a latest version of the application is available. The Install Now option, by default, installs the latest version of the application.

4. Click Install Latest to install the latest version. Alternatively, click Install to install the version you have downloaded.

Note: To access offline help, download the Help Installer from the download center, and double-click Setup.exe to install.

When you are connected to the Internet, you can access the latest help content online at help.tallysolutions.com .

Tally.Developer 9 automatically installs 32-bit or 64-bit Tally.Developer 9 application, depending on the system bitness.  However, if required you can install 32-bit Tally.Developer 9 on a 64-bit windows operating system.

To install 32-bit Tally.Developer 9 on a 64-bit windows operating system

1. Open Command Prompt .

2. Enter the path of setup.exe .

3. Enter the command setup.exe/bitness:32 .

4. Press Enter , to install Tally.Developer 9 .

See also

Installing Tally.ERP 9 SDK