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warning T0022:The UDF number %ld used for '%s' is not in the allowed range.


This warning occurs when the number specified for the UDF is not within the range specified.


Ensure the UDF is defined using the allowed range. Numbers falling between 1 to 9999 and 20001 to 65536 are opened for customisation, and those between 10000 to 20000 are allotted for Common development in TSPL.


[System: UDF]

UDF: String: 6553666

Here the number 6553666 is not within the allowed range. Hence the message warning T0022: The UDF number '6553666' used for 'UDF' is not in the allowed range appears.

The code is corrected by adding appropriate number.

[System: UDF]

UDF: String: 20004