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warning T0021:The function '%s' does not take any parameter.


This warning occurs when a function with no parameters is called by passing parameters. %s - Function Name.


Make sure to pass parameter only when parameter is required by the function. Either remove the parameter passed or specify 'parameter' inside the function as applicable.


[#Menu:Gateway of Tally]

Add: Button: MyButton

[Button: MyButton]

Key: Alt+F9

Action: Call: MyFunc:"abc"

[Function: MyFunc]

000:Log: "In"

In the example, the function 'MyFunc' has no parameters is called in button by passing a parameter, hence the message warning T0020:The function 'MyFunc' - does not take any parameter appears.

The code is corrected by passing the required parameter.

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]

Add: Button: MyButton

[Button: MyButton]

Key: Alt+F9

Action: Call: MyFunc

[Function: MyFunc]

000:Log: "In"