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warning 0016: Duplicate description name %s %s - %s is overridden. \n%s(%d) : was the previous declaration.


This warning occurs when a system description is overridden due to duplicate declaration.

%s %s - '%s' - System description type- Description name.

%s(%d) - previous declaration(Line number).


Either rename the event if same name was used by mistake or remove the declaration if previous declaration should be executed.


[System: Events]

CMPStateChangeLoad  : Load Company  : TRUE   : Call : CMPStateNamechange

In the above example, the system event CMPStateChangeLoad is a duplicate declaration. Hence the message warning T0016: Duplicate description name System Events - 'CMPStateChangeLoad' - overridden. src\company\company.500(720) : was the previous declaration. appears.

The code is corrected by renaming the system event.

[System: Events]

MyCMPStateChangeLoad : Load Company : TRUE : Call : CMPStateNamechange