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error T0018:Function: %s - Mandatory parameter %d is missing.


This error occurs when a function is called without passing its mandatory parameter.

%s - Name of the function.

%d - Position of the Parameter.


Ensure that mandatory parameters are passed in the function call, or set a default value for the parameter to avoid such errors.


[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]

Add: Item: "abc" : Call : MyFunc

[Function: MyFunc]

001: Call: MyFunc2

[Function: MyFunc2]

Parameter: pInput: String

Function MyFunc2 is called without its mandatory parameter. Hence the message error T0018: Function: MyFunc2 - Mandatory parameter 1 is missing appears.

The code is corrected by setting a default value for the parameter pInput.

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]

Add: Item: "abc" : Call : MyFunc

[Function: MyFunc]

001: Call: MyFunc2

[Function: MyFunc2]

Parameter: pInput: String:"Daybook"