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Support Centre - Tally.Developer 9

Tally.Developer 9 provides a new capability known as Support Centre, wherein you can directly post your queries on Tally.Developer 9, and TDL, to support.tallydeveloper@tallysolutions.com from the application itself.

When you select the option 'Support Centre' from the Help menu, it invokes the support centre of Tally.ERP9, based on the exe path specified in Tools > Preferences and selecting the tab Compiler/Execution Options . The user can view all the support queries in different modes, that is, routed via the Support Centre, Email Calls, etc.

The Support Centre allows you to view queries for an activated license along with its Status,that is, Closed/Pending and Ticket Summary.

Features of Support Centre

The Support Centre makes it easy and convenient to reach out to the system, which includes Tally Support and the Tally Service Partner, to offer help and support on any product, at the click of a button.

This feature facilitates instant reference to the solutions provided for your queries at any point of time.

The availability of information on issues, interactions and resolutions to the entire Tally.Developer Support Team, including the Tally Service Partners dramatically reduces the need for repeated explanations on issues/support queries and thereby ensures quality help and support.

The Support Centre enables you to track the status of your queries including the full chain of interactions irrespective of the mode of communication. If you have posted a query from the Support Centre within Tally.ERP 9 and then interacted over the phone, you will be able to see both the interactions.

In case of a Multi-site License, you can view the details pertaining to issues of any location /site from any of your sites.

As an authorized Tally.NET user, the Support Centre feature can also be accessed remotely from any machine where Tally.ERP 9 is installed, even if Tally.ERP 9 is running in license more or in educational mode.